Paula's Choice Resist 10% Niacminamide Booster bottle @redAllison

Adding My Favorite Ingredient, Niacinamide, to Everything with Paula’s Choice Resist 10% Niacinamide Booster

For the past several years, I’ve been reading the ingredient list of every skincare product  I use or consider using, searching for my favorite skincare ingredient, the antioxidant niacinamide. I discovered it a while back in an Olay Regenerist skincare product that really worked well for my skin, and since then, I’ve sought out niacinamide …

Youngblood Cosmetics Intimatte Lipstick "Flirt" and Lunar Dust "Twilight" @redAllison

New Intimatte Mineral Matte Lipstick and Lunar Dust Highlighter from Youngblood Cosmetics

Youngblood Mineral Cosmetics has become on of my favorite makeup brands. In addition to being a natural mineral brand, it’s also cruelty-free. I’ve written about them quite a bit this year (eyeshadow palette and powder blush, cream blush). Now, I have two Spring 2016 products to tell you about. Intimatte Mineral Matte Lipstick When I hear “matte” …