
My Horticultural Auction Wins

It’s the start of the first summer holiday weekend, so instead of a beauty product review. Here’s what I did last night. I Bought This, Informational Link Gardening Passion I’m a gardening fanatic. I’ve been gardening since I was a kid. I think my first Girl Scout badge was the gardening badge. When we moved …


Enough is Enough

Eighteen children and three adults including a teacher senselessly killed at a school in Texas. Texas, a state with no gun permit requirement and no need to even have any training in how to use a firearm. Heartbreaking, sickening news.  Please support candidates who will do more than ask for thoughts and prayers for the …


New Comfy Hush Puppies Sandals

Just about every spring since I was in college, I buy myself a new pair of sandals for the warm weather. Up until this past weekend, it’s been too cold for sandals, so I had some extra time to find this year’s model. I Bought This, Affiliate Links  My New Summer Sandals Because I go …


My Favored Sunscreens Now

This weekend was hot, hot, hot, and we were outdoors a lot. Sunscreen is a must for every day, whether indoors or out. But now that the sun is getting strong by the day, I try to make sure my face is protected. But truth be told, I don’t love sunscreen. Frankly, I don’t think …