
Back Again!

Yikes, too much drama this summer with my website! At midnight on Monday/Tuesday, I finished my blogpost for Tuesday (here’s the link to Tuesday’s post if you couldn’t load it either!). I tried to preview the post to make sure I didn’t have any glaring errors, but instead of seeing the blogpost I got a …

Goings On

After a long hot exhausting day, I’ve run out of gas for writing a review. So instead, here’s what I’ve been and going to be up to. Today This afternoon, I got an email telling me my 3 year old MAC desktop computer was fixed, and I should come and get it. It is so …


Catching Up

Belated Happy Canada Day and Happy Independence Day! Hope you celebrated with friends and family and enjoyed the time off. My aunt spent the holiday weekend with us. To try to entertain her (she’s 88 and has the beginnings of age-related dementia), we had a BBQ, went to fabulous outdoor fireworks, made a stop at …


More Problems, More Delays

While the web developer in the Philippines who tried to rebuild my website was able to download a new theme, the website still has a lot of errors and problems. Unfortunately, I didn’t discover those issues till after I paid him.  For one thing, all my blogposts written after the old website “died” on June …


Yet Another Trip

Gee, we just got back from LA, and we’re heading off again! Frankly, we hadn’t planned it this way, but this is how it worked out. We had planned this trip a while ago. We’re going to celebrate the 2nd birthday of Jeff’s granddaughter! And after that, we’re going to drive to Washington DC to …


Out of Town Briefly

In case anyone wonders why you’re not getting daily posts from me this coming week, I am going to LA with Jeff to help his sister who has been in the hospital after having emergency surgery. Wish us decent weather for flying since LA is supposed to have another flood over the next three days. …