Brooke from Blushing Noir on Beauty Spotlight Team’s Most Repurchased Cosmetics

What cosmetics do you repurchase over and over? Today, Brooke at Blushing Noir will weigh in on Beauty Spotlight Team’s feature, Most Repurchased Cosmetics. Every time you turn around there is a new “must-have” makeup brush. But YOU KNOW it’s actually a must-have when a long-time beauty blogger purchases several of the same brush… one of …

Jan Marini Hyla3D HA Activating Complex, pump bottle,

Getting My Face Ready for Spring with Skincare from Jan Marini Skin Research

Since 1994, Jan Marini Skin Research has been providing professional skincare based on research and innovative techniques that provide evidence-based results.  In fact, they have pages of unaltered before and after photos of real people that are absolutely amazing. I now have a list about a mile long of Jan Marini skincare products that I …