July 2014 Sensationally Sunkissed ipsy Bag

My July ipsy bag arrived last Saturday. The theme this month is “Sensationally Sunkissed”. The makeup bag is hot pink, and it has pinked edges. Another blogger described it as looking like a “ravioli”. That really made me laugh, but I like it anyway. I think it’s cute and fun for summer. My pink clear plastic …

More Good News from Ulta: 20% off Coupon till February 1, 2014

Seems like only yesterday that Ulta had a Family and Friends promotion. (Yeah, it ended on January 18, lol!) And now they’re offering a new promotion. I just got the postcard in the mail yesterday. I guess January is a slow month for retail beauty purchases. But there’s a bit of confusion. The Thank You …

My Two Favorite After Shower Spray Oils: Nature Island Botanicals and Agrumi & Cannella Dry Oils

I’ve become a fan of oils of all kinds, but today I’m talking about oils that you spray on after a shower. I’m going to introduce you to two heavenly scented spray oils that are a wonderful alternative to lotions.   Nature Island Botanicals Gourmet Caribbean Coconut Oil Lite Daphne Frampton of Nature Island Botanicals …