Paula's Choice Resist 10% Niacminamide Booster bottle @redAllison

Adding My Favorite Ingredient, Niacinamide, to Everything with Paula’s Choice Resist 10% Niacinamide Booster

For the past several years, I’ve been reading the ingredient list of every skincare product  I use or consider using, searching for my favorite skincare ingredient, the antioxidant niacinamide. I discovered it a while back in an Olay Regenerist skincare product that really worked well for my skin, and since then, I’ve sought out niacinamide …

two jars of Manuka Honey from New Zealand, 5+ and UMF10+ @redAllison

New Zealand Manuka Honey and Hand Creams/Soaps Made from the Honey

Have you tried manuka honey?    I first heard about it early last winter when I had diverticulitis. Some people believe that honey that comes from bees that pollinate the local manuka bush has healing powers in treating wounds and other infections. Honey including the regular honey that most of us use has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Manuka honey …