July 2014 Sensationally Sunkissed ipsy Bag

My July ipsy bag arrived last Saturday. The theme this month is “Sensationally Sunkissed”. The makeup bag is hot pink, and it has pinked edges. Another blogger described it as looking like a “ravioli”. That really made me laugh, but I like it anyway. I think it’s cute and fun for summer. My pink clear plastic …

NeoCell Giveaway Winners & “Fresh Picks” May 2014 ipsy Bag

First things first. Congratulations to Laura R. who won first prize in the NeoCell Collagen & Beauty Bursts giveaway. And woo hoo to Kim A. who was second prize winner, the Collagen Beauty Builder. I have sent emails to both winners. If I don’t hear back from them within 48 hours, new winners will be selected. …

“Look of Love” ipsy Glam Bag, February 2014

I’ve been traveling on business for the past two weeks. I was so lucky to get to leave the snowy, gloomy weather in New England behind for sunny and warm Phoenix and San Francisco. I hated to come home yesterday, especially knowing I was facing an unshoveled driveway, 70 foot unshoveled walkway and front steps …

ipsy Beach Beauty Bag July 2013: Instagram Video Teaser

In this short post, I’d like to highlight two new things for me: Instagram video and the beauty sample box service, ipsy. Instagram makes it possible to upload 15 second videos, and I think I’ve figured out how to get them into my blog (at least it works with Safari and Firefox). Unfortunately, 15 seconds …