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Fashion Flash 5 June 2017

Monday is Fashion Flash day, and Fashion Flash, the best emag for women over 40 is now live! Our terrific host this week is Barbara from Best of Everything After 50. Just click on the link to head over to her blog and take a look! This week’s edition seems particularly fascinating with a mix of …

Beauty Spotlight Team image

Beauty Spotlight Team 3 June 2017

Because of the Monday holiday here in the U.S., the week absolutely flew by. It’s Saturday again already! Time to hear from the Beauty Spotlight Team. Here are this week’s tips, tutorials, reviews, and more. Enjoy! Summer is all about that glow. Justina’s Gems shares 10 of her favorite beauty items that highlight, glisten, and …

Brooke from Blushing Noir on Beauty Spotlight Team’s Most Repurchased Cosmetics

What cosmetics do you repurchase over and over? Today, Brooke at Blushing Noir will weigh in on Beauty Spotlight Team’s feature, Most Repurchased Cosmetics. Every time you turn around there is a new “must-have” makeup brush. But YOU KNOW it’s actually a must-have when a long-time beauty blogger purchases several of the same brush… one of …