Birchbox January 2016 with title @redAllison
Brand Spotlight, Features, Product Spotlight, Subscription Boxes

MeVee Live-Streaming Video App & My New Birchbox Subscription!

MeVee Live-Streaming Video App

Have you heard about the new live streaming video app, MeVee? I just learned about it myself a couple of weeks ago because it’s just rolling out now. It’s brand new, and it is so fun!

Press Sample - Affiliate Links

MeVee Peace sign

What makes it different is that you stream your video live as you record. Not only that but people who are using the app can view your stream and comment to you in real-time! Or give you stars for encouragement, as you can see on the right hand side of the screen below. After you’ve recorded your stream, you can save it (unlike Periscope where it disappears) or you can delete it if you don’t love it. Plus you can tweet it or post it to Facebook directly from the app. Easy peasy!

How a MeVee video stream looks on an iPhone @redAllison

As a blogger, I like it because I can embed the streams into my posts, and my readers don’t have to have the MeVee app to watch it….though you may very well want to get your own app to make your own streams.

MeVee is great to use when you’re doing something that you want to share with friends or with the world. If you’re watching news happen or creating news yourself, let people know about it!

screen shot from MeVee video stream

So far, I’ve made a couple of streams, and one of them is posted below. If you watch it, you’ll see me laughing. A couple of people were watching and commenting directly on my stream as I was recording (at midnight no less!), and I couldn’t help laughing as I recorded. It’s so much fun to see comments appear on the bottom of the screen. I think I tried to answer one of the commenters as I continued talking, lol.

I think MeVee would be great to use when you want opinions on say, which outfit to wear, or which lipstick shade to go with. You can live stream your question, and get some input from the community! As far as I know, there’s nothing like it!

Definitely check it out the MeVee website, watch some of the streams, and download your own MeVee app from the app store on your iPhone. Right now in the early stage of its life, I think MeVee is limited to the iPhone, but I’m sure they’ve got plans to make it work for all phones.

MeVee green logo @redAllison

Once you download the app, you set up your account. Then to make a stream, you just open the MeVee app, hit the green record/camera button at the bottom of the screen, name your stream (something I keep forgetting to do!), and go live! Your stream is broadcast worldwide. Whoa. Or if you prefer, you can live stream privately with a friend or a group. Then you can share it if you like, stream another video or come back another time. In addition, you can watch streams from people everywhere and discover fun, interesting and even newsworthy moments. I think you’ll have fun with it. Let me know what you think  💡  😀 and let me know so I can follow you! I need more followers and people to follow!!

January Birchbox

MeVee generously gave me a subscription to Birchbox for being one of the early adopters of their new app. I think it was a win-win for me! I got to know about MeVee, plus I got a subscription to Birchbox that I’ve wanted for the past year or so.

January 2016 Birchbox @redAllison

I decided to make my second MeVee live stream an unboxing video. I went out Friday night, and when I got home, I got my Birchbox out of the mailbox. I couldn’t wait till the next morning to open it, so I made my stream at about midnight as I mentioned earlier.

Here it is. Click and take a look!

I’m still getting up to speed on Birchbox. It’s similar to ipsy, but different in some ways. Each month for $10, you receive 5 beauty products, a mix of deluxe sample size or full size. Instead of coming in an ipsy bag, Birchbox comes in a…you guessed it, box! Every month the box has a different design and color scheme. Like ipsy, you take a survey and your box gets tailored to your tastes. The survey also asks you about your preferences for “bonus” gifts that may be cosmetics or they may be something other than beauty gifts, e.g. snacks, accessories, pet gifts even!

By reviewing products and referring friends, you accrue Birchbox points that can be redeemed for beauty products. You can purchase beauty products from the Birchbox store, many of which have free shipping, something I really appreciate. Plus, you accrue points for your purchases, 10 points for every $1 spent. In my welcome box, I received a $10 gift card to use when I purchase $35+ in the Birchbox shop. Nice.

Birchbox product & discount cards @redAllison

Another nice thing about Birchbox is that they include a product card in the monthly box that describes each product and gives the price of a full size product. That’s something that I have always wanted ipsy to do. Can’t understand why if Birchbox and Beauty Box 5 can do it, why ipsy can’t?

Birchbox January 2016 @redAllison

If you haven’t watched my MeVee yet, then let’s take a look at what I got in my first Birchbox:

Birchbox January 2016 beauty products @redAllison

So, one full size and 4 deluxe sample size products. OK. Good but not great. Nevertheless, the value of the $10 box was more than $30 not including the fragrance sample that’s too difficult to estimate.

I haven’t had a chance to use all of the products yet. But here are my first impressions:

  • The perfume is not my type so I’ll have to pass it on or do something with it.
  • I have so many hair products that I wasn’t excited to see the Beauty Protector spray, but it’s a leave-in that’s supposed to protect from heat, protect the color from fading and detangle so I’ve decided that I’ll be open minded and try it (in addition to John Frieda 3 Day Straight that I always use to reduce frizz and the Living Proof Instant Repair that I use on my ends). I’ll let you know if I’m impressed by it. The scent is heavenly, so I’m more psyched to try it once I smelled it!
  • I haven’t tried the Eyeko Liquid Eyeliner yet. I have several liquid eyeliners with felt tips that I have trouble using. We’ll see if this felt tip liner with the fat tube is easier for me to handle.
  • I can always use another hand cream for my purse. Even though it’s Green Tea hand cream, it has a floral scent, I guess to go with the cute floral print on the tube. The scent is a bit strong and not really my thing (though it fades over time), but it’s a greaseless, very hydrating hand cream which is great. Also it comes in at least 9 scents many of which sound wonderful.
  • When I tried to get some of the Dr. Lipp Miracle Balm out of the tiny tube, I squeezed really hard and I blew out the other end of the tube.  😥  😯  👿 But I must say, the Dr. Lipp Miracle Lip Balm was the treasure in this meh box. I have severely dry lips, and this winter – even though it hasn’t been that cold yet – my lips have been even drier than usual. Dr. Lipp Miracle Balm has been the only thing I’ve tried lately that has healed my lips. For me, it’s been even better than the Bite Beauty Agave Lip Mask I just paid $26 for. I strongly recommend this lip balm, but it isn’t vegan, just so you know.

I think I filled out my survey after my first box was already in the works so I think I got a “generic” box rather than one tailored for me. Already I’m curious about what I’ll get next month to see if it’s more on target than this box. Nevertheless, getting turned on to Dr. Lipp Miracle Balm made the entire box so worth it!

If you haven’t tried Birchbox yet and want to give it a try, I’d be grateful if you’d use my referral code. xoxo  If you’re already a Birchbox subscriber, what did you get in your Birchbox?

What’s your Reaction?
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  1. Ursula says:

    What a great app and got a free subscription to Birchbox! I love Beauty Protector and can’t wait to try the Eyeko liner! 🙂


    1. Glad to hear you love Beauty Protect. I’m just about to try it and the Eyeko liner! If you have an iPhone, try out the app!!

  2. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think everyone’s first box is a “welcome box” rather than one tailored to your beauty profile (I feel like most people receive the Beauty Protector spray in their first box. It’s one of their best sellers). I don’t know why they do that, because I feel like people are more likely to stay subscribed if they get products that they like. But this looks like a good box anyway! Sorry your Dr. Lipp farted out the other side (LOL!). But I really liked the original Dr. Lipp balm, so I’ll have to try the Miracle Balm when I run out of my current nighttime lip balm!
    Sammi the Beauty Buff recently posted…Review: CoverGirl Colorlicious Oh Sugar Vitamin Infused Lip Balm in CaramelMy Profile

    1. Thanks for explaining it, Sammi. I was looking for a “theme” and couldn’t find one so I wondered if it was an intro box, especially since it said “Just for You”, even though it wasn’t just for me. It’s OK that the Dr. Lipp tube broke because the stuff inside is so amazing. I have been trying to figure out the difference between the original Dr. Lipp and Miracle Balm, and I think they’re the same. Both are medical/pharmaceutical grade lanolin. I’m thinking that the nipple cream name may have been off-putting for some so they’re coming out with a new name. I just used the Beauty Protector and my hair certainly is very soft! Maybe not such a meh box after all. Only the fragrance is a disappointment. 🙂

      1. Thanks for clearing that up! I can see why they’d want to market it a little differently for lips. If they are the same, it definitely worked great! The packaging with the pink tube is cute, too.
        Sammi the Beauty Buff recently posted…Review: CoverGirl Colorlicious Oh Sugar Vitamin Infused Lip Balm in CaramelMy Profile

        1. I ordered a full size tube, so I’m eager to see what the tube/packaging looks like. This stuff is the best!

  3. What a super cool new app, Allison! Thank you so much for the introduction!

    1. It really is fun, Helen. At first I was nervous that I’d get not so great feedback, but it was great to get stars and fun comments from viewers. And I’ve gotten a few blog visits from it. Win-win so far!

  4. It’s a lovely eyeliner, although making a teeny tiny line is a challenge lol. It stays on pretty well though 🙂 I love Dr Lipp and the app sounds amaze balls !! I may look into it after Friday as I’m getting a new phone and don’t want to confuse myself lol.

    Great post <3 I do love reading your blog hun. xx

    1. I think I lucked out, Dorota. I used the Eyeko liner for the first time today, and I was able to get a skinny line probably because it’s new and the point is sharp. We’ll see on down the line how it performs. Dr. Lipp has changed my life, lol! The app really is fun. If you’re getting a new iPhone definitely try it out!

  5. alona y says:

    I actually ended up buying the full size Beauty Protector spray – I held off because I rarely buy things at that price point but gave in because it’s the best thing I have ever tried on my daughter’s curly, unruly hair and just smells amazing. I’m a believer, lol.

    1. Alona, I just used it today after I washed my hair, and I’m a believer, too! Although my ends aren’t quite as tangle free after blow drying and flat ironing as when I use Living Proof Instant Repair, my hair is so incredibly soft! Birchbox is sold out of the full size. Fortunately, I think the sample will last me quite a while because it only took a few sprays. Thanks for your comment and letting me know the results you and your daughter have had.

  6. I haven’t really gotten into videos or Snapchat, and I’ve never tried Periscope, so I’m not sure if MeVee is for me, but it was fun watching your unboxing.
    Nidia – Lit From Within recently posted…Why Look Like a Million Bucks when you can Look Like A Billion? #bdbrowsMy Profile

    1. Thanks, Nidia! I think MeVee is similar to Periscope but you can easily save your streams. I think it would be great to use on vacation to share the trip with friends and a bunch of other things. It doesn’t always have to be a stream of me talking, thank goodness!

  7. I also just started a subscription to Birchbox, I can’t wait to see what goodies I get. This app sounds so fun, and an easy way to share things with friends!!
    Chelsea Eames recently posted…Exuviance Firm-NG6 Non-Acid Peel – ReviewMy Profile

    1. The MeVee app really is fun, worth a try!! I’ll be curious to hear what you get from Birchbox too. Someone told me that the ‘Just for you’ box that I got is pretty much the standard welcome box. But since I wrote the post, I’ve used everything in the box, and I’ve discovered some great new products! I ordered a full-size Dr. Lipp coz it’s the most hydrating & healing lip balm ever. The Beauty Protector hair protector/detangler is awesome. And I love the Eyeko Fat Liquid eyeliner. Just the fragrance was a disappointment coz it’s not my type of scent. I hope you love what you get!

  8. Eeekkk! As much as I complain about all the eyeliners I get in Ipsy I still like their bags better in comparison to this one. That’s not good about the lip balm blowout either! Yikes
    Color Me So Crazy recently posted…NEW Glasses from Firmoo and YOU Helped me Pick Them!!My Profile

    1. Actually, the blowout of the lip balm turned out to be a good thing because it made me use Dr. Lipp immediately, and it is hands down the best lip balm I’ve ever used. I probably should have waited to try more of the products before I posted. The only loser is the fragrance. The Beauty Protection Hair Protect & Detangler is beyond amazing. I now know why it’s always sold out. And the Eyeko Fat Liquid Eyeliner is terrific. I learned that this is pretty much the “welcome” box that everyone gets. I’ll be curious to see what I get next month.

  9. Wonder if that app is similar to Periscope? Sounds fun!

    1. In reality, it seems pretty similar. I think the difference may be that you can easily save the streams on MeVee. It actually is fun!

  10. Think I’ll give this a try, love eyeko by the way!
    Cindy (Prime Beauty) recently posted…Mally H3 Lip glosses take hydration to the 3rd power!My Profile

    1. I tried the Eyeko Fat Liquid Liner yesterday, and it was a breeze to use. I’m a convert! And MeVee is worth trying! It’s fun to use, like Periscope but it’s easier to share and save the streams!

  11. Ok, had a good chuckle at your lip tube experience .. lol … at least it’s a good product 🙂

    Monica P recently posted…Over-Sized Cozy SweaterMy Profile

    1. It was funny! Actually, that mishap got me to try the Dr. Lipp Miracle Lip Balm right away, and boy am I glad I did! And now that I’ve tried all the products in the box, I love love love 3 out of 5 and like the hand cream too 🙂

  12. Birchbox sends basically the same box to everyone. I bought it for a few years and got exactly what everyone else got. I hope they’ve changed that.
    Ipsy sends out different boxes to their subscribers which is one of the reasons I think they don’t put out a card.
    MarciaF recently posted…Looking for Pantone 2016? Here are some favorites from IT Cosmetics, Sally Hansen and Surratt BeautyMy Profile

    1. Marcia, that’s what I always thought. But now that I just signed up for Birchbox, I filled out their product/taste survey and I assumed that affected what was in the box, no? Or maybe that was just for “extras” that they send? They asked if and how often I wanted perfume, haircare, skincare etc., so I was hopeful that meant a somewhat tailored box.

  13. The app sounds really fun!
    Lisa Heath recently posted…The Holo Hookup February 2016 Indie Collaboration BoxMy Profile

    1. MeVee really is fun. It’s similar to Periscope but it’s easy to save and share/post the streams

  14. I’m very fascinated with the MeVee app that you mentioned, I’ll definitely check it out and update you and let you know what I think. 🙂 I’m curious to see how you’ll like the Eyeko liner… I’ve heard quite a few people love it so I hope you like it too xo
    Brigette Ramos recently posted…Have Yourself a Smoky Holiday Season with Beauty Box 5My Profile

    1. I tried the Eyeko Liquid Liner yesterday, and it was so much easier for me to use than any other liquid liner I’ve tried. I’m a convert!! And MeVee is fun! Similar to Periscope but easier to save the videos. But I have to look into to how to get feedback from those who view it after it’s finished like YT.

    1. MeVee actually is fun to use. I think it would be a great way to share things with friends/family while on vacay

  15. I thought you might have had better stuff in your Birchbox… My last one was pretty good. That’s the main reason I can’t justify subscribing all the time- you just never know what you’ll get.
    Bailey recently posted…The Future is bright with Neutrogena Rapid ClearMy Profile

    1. I wasn’t sure but now I’ve found out that what I received is the usual “welcome box” from Birchbox. I probably should’ve held off another few days before I wrote & published that post because now that I’ve tried all the items, I’m more of a fan. Though more than one full size product would’ve been good, I found that I got turned on to some great products. So far, I’ve ordered a full size Dr. Lipp, and I used the Beauty Protector Protect & Detangle yesterday, and now I know why it’s sold out all the time. And the Eyeko Liquid Liner was much easier to use than most other liquid liners I’ve tried. So the only dog was the Catherine Malandrino perfume. Not so bad.

  16. What a neat box! That app could come in handy!
    Destany recently posted…Win Wet n Wild grab bags!My Profile

    1. Now that I’ve tried all the items in the Birchbox, I’m a fan! Better than I thought. And yes, the app is great if you post videos on your blog or if you’re traveling and you want to share what you see & do with friends/family. It’s definitely fun

  17. Natalie Brown says:

    I haven’t tried BirchBox yet but their store is pretty awesome. The points system seems to be much better than Ipsy’s too. This app is pretty cool. I always enjoy seeing videos of you. Your voice is sweet and you don’t seem nervous at all. 🙂

    1. Right now, I’m still a little confused by Birchbox. I have to choose which box I want but I can’t do that till a certain date unless a refer a friend etc. Plus you have to watch their looooong video to see which box to choose instead of just showing it to you. So far, I’m on the fence about it, but I’m sure it’ll grow on me after a while. I’ve only gotten this one box so far. Thanks for watching the MeVee stream, Natalie! I wish it showed up with a screenshot like YT does ‘coz I think that is more intriguing than just a link. I’m a focus group moderator so I’m used to talking to strangers and being videoed. However, I made this and my ipsy stream with my iPhone sort of tied onto the kitchen faucet, and I was worried it would slide off. I lucked out!

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