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2 products that give me happy hair

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I’m one of those people who need a good hair day to help create a happy day and today I want you to know about two products that give me those happy days  –  BRITISH M Flex Gentle Brush and BLISSY SILK PILLOWCASES. What a difference these make.

My hair is just below shoulder length and, as I’ve said before, my goal is long flowy and straight hair. Too long isn’t going to happen since I think that might be aging so my current length will stay. Now I work towards perfection with hair products. I shared with you the CHI AIR SETTER but there’s more.

The brush I’m using is from BRITISH M, BRITISH M Flex Gentle Brush.  While the brand is known for hair products this is the only brush they make. I can’t tell you how comfortable this brush is to use without screaming it. It has a mesh-like open design to allow air to flow through it when blow drying. Plus it feels incredible when just brushing out my hair. I feel like it’s giving me a massage each time I use it.

It has a slight curve to it like the curvature of your head. It’s easy to hold since it’s not a heavy brush and it has a comfortable handle, it’s a soft matte rubber finish and doesn’t slip when in use.

I have a phobia about hair in brushes so I love how easily I can clean those out of the brush. I won’t be tossing this gem because I can’t keep it clean enough! This is a true winner and available on Amazon. British M products are sustainable, recyclable, gender-neutral, and animal cruelty free.

If you are ready for a splurge that’s worth the money then consider BLISSY SILK PILLOWCASES. I’ve tried two other brands of silk pillowcases and they can’t hold a candle to BLISSY. I saw ad after ad for these on Facebook and in emails but it was the endorsement of my friend Phyllis that got me to take a chance.

The difference between Blissy and others is that they are soft but not slippery. I toss and turn yet the pillows stay in place. They are so comfortable that it’s a pleasure laying my head upon them. Others I’ve tried sound crunchy when I’m tossing around, not Blissy.


These are available in striking shades of navy, silver, red, black etc with 32 shades in total. I stuck with white and silver but I plan to get the navy some day. There’s a small hidden zipper that keeps your pillow safely in the case. I’ve laundered mine half a dozen times and they are still in perfect shape.
It’s what these do for my hair that makes me rave about them. Even with all my sleep problems I wake up to good hair. It’s not flyaway or in 100 different directions. The waves that mysteriously appear overnight are gone. Blissy keeps my hair from developing split ends. There are a lot of reasons to use a silk pillowcase but the best reason is the way my hair looks for days. A splurge (watch for sales) but a worthy one.
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  1. I need that brush in my life! I would be happy with that pillow case as well! Great review, Marcia! THANK YOU!
    Lola Seicento recently posted…Thinksport Epsom Salt Bubble Bath to Soak Away the Stressful DayMy Profile

    1. The Blissy pillowcases really fit their name. The British M brush is great for all hair types so would be great for your curls too Lola.
      Marcia recently posted…2 products that give me happy hairMy Profile

  2. You can tell just by looking at it how wonderful it must feel to use the British M. Gentle Flex Brush. I need one!

    1. You’d love this brush Allison. It’s the best.
      Marcia recently posted…2 products that give me happy hairMy Profile

  3. That brush has a really unusual shape. But I am really interested in those Blissy pillowcases. I have used silk pillowcases for a few years now and I wish I had discovered them years ago. Like you I have seen ads for BLISSY and reviews but wondered if they were as good as they were hyped.

    1. Hi Hilda, thanks for the comment. Both this wonderful brush and the Blissy cases are well worth the money. I was skeptical about Blissy but I’m so happy with the cases.
      Marcia recently posted…My Favored Sunscreens & Sale!My Profile

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