daytime view of Coffee Pot red rocks Sedona AZ

Vacation Pix Sedona Arizona

Since it’s Sunday, thought I’d share some more vacation pix, this time from Sedona Arizona, before I resume my regular beauty posts tomorrow starting with a new Giveaway!

“nothing to disclose”

I was concerned that after the grandeur of the Grand Canyon, Sedona would be a let down. I had no need to worry. We entered Sedona on route 89A, a pine-forested road through the mountains with hairpin turns. Magnificent. We stayed at the Junipine Resort on the route.

Junipine Resort sign Sedona AZ @redAllison

Because of the mountains and the pines, it reminded me of Big Sur CA but without the ocean. Instead, Junipine was in  the valley on the Oak Creek.

mountain view Junipine Resort Sedona AZ

We could hear and see the creek from our 2 bedroom/4 room/2 deck town house. I loved the big stone fireplace in the living room and the kiva fireplace in the master bedroom.

living room w fireplace Junipine Resort Sedona AZ @redAllison

master bedroom, Junipine Resort Sedona AZ

kiva fireplace, master bedroom Junipine Resort Sedona AZ

I could have easily stayed there for a week! There was so much room.

full kitchen, Junipine Resort Sedona AZ

upstairs twin bedroom, Junipine Resort Sedona AZ

deck, Junipine Resort Sedona AZ

If you’re thinking of vacationing in Sedona and want to be away from the bustle of downtown, I really recommend this spot!

We were only in Sedona for about a day and a half. So on our full day, we packed in a lot.

red rocks Sedona AZ @redAllison

We wanted to see as much of the red rock as we could so we drove around and also went for a long walk in the Crescent Moon Park where there was a great view of Cathedral Rock. The second photo was taken from the red rock that must have been worn down flat by Oak Creek.

view of Cathedral Rock from trail at Crescent Moon Park Sedona AZ

view Cathedral Rock from the flat rocks, Crescent Moon Park Sedona AZ

There were several energy vortexes where visitors created cairns, or rock piles, from the stones from Oak Creek.

rock pile cairn at Crescent Moon Park Sedona AZ

We drove through the downtown area of Sedona that is in a valley surrounded by red rock formations.

view downtown Sedona AZ

Then we drove up to Airport Road and walked on the trail to get a higher view of the red rocks and valley. We saw the formation known as the Coffee Pot (the rock formation on the left in the photo below). It has a road and a diner named after it!

daytime view of Coffee Pot red rocks Sedona AZ

The view was so amazing from the Airport Road trail that we came back again at sunset.

sunset view, red rocks Sedona AZ

We had dinner at the Mesa Grill, the restaurant at the airport. The food was delicious, had a Mexican flair, and the service was great. Though we were there after sunset, during the day, the view is spectacular plus you can watch the planes.

Sadly, the next day we left Sedona to head back to Scottsdale to be closer to the Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport to fly back to Boston. Great trip!

Have you been to Sedona? What’s your favorite memory of it?



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  1. Laura Sorvillo says:

    Lovely pictures! So happy for you,hope you got your relaxation fix.

    1. Thank you, Laura. I really needed it!!

  2. Rachel R. says:

    Beautiful photos. I’m so glad you had a nice trip.

    1. Thank you, Rachel! I really had a great vacation. I guess once every 4 years is too long to go without a vacation!

  3. Paula says:

    Gorgeous pics! I am glad you had a great time. I was in Phoenix years ago but it was for business so never really had the opportunity to explore. Would love to go exploring in Arizona but for some reason, it gets overlooked for other destinations.

    1. It was the same for me, Paula. I have been to Phoenix/Scottsdale on business many times, but there’s never time to explore. We were considering going to Hawaii this year, but I couldn’t make the long plane ride this time. It worked out very well. I plan to get your palette in the mail on Tuesday. I’ll email you when I do 🙂

      1. Paula says:

        No worries Allison. Take your time I know how hard it is to get back into the swing of things after a vacation!

        1. Also, our holiday, Passover, started this weekend, so I’ve been away from home again. But I’ll get it packed up and out soon, Paula 🙂

  4. Sybille Denninger says:

    Fantastic photos!!!!!

    1. Thank you, Sybille! They came out pretty well for an old iPhone! Someday I’ll get a real camera 😉

  5. I went to Sedona years ago and just fell in love with the beautiful desert colors. Your pics are gorgeous!! Looks like you had a great time.

    MonicaP recently posted…2016 Goals 1st Quarter UpdateMy Profile

    1. We really did have a great time, Monica! I always love Scottsdale, but Sedona (that I hadn’t been to in more than 15 years) and the Grand Canyon exceeded our expectations!

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