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Weekly Roundups

Fashion Flash 11 April 2017

Oh, I’m stuffed! My extended family started celebrating Passover a day early (because of a family member leaving town), so I have had a big Seder meal on Sunday and Monday nights. I think I’m going to burst 😩

My laptop is under the weather and I’m away from home so I’m trying to get this week’s Fashion Flash post up using my phone!

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Our fearless leader Deb from Nononsense Beauty is hosting this week. Please click here to see what the over 40 lifestyle, career, travel, exercise, wellness, fashion as well as beauty bloggers have been up to this past week!

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  1. Laura Sorvillo says:

    HAPPY PASSOVER ALLISON!!! LOVE all the cooking and food during Passover,enjoy! XO

    1. Thank you so much, Laura! It was a hectic couple of days but luckily I didn’t have to make the entire meal since I was a guest at both seders! Happy Passover to you too if you celebrate the holiday, and if not, Happy Easter 🙂

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