my Huda Beauty Smokey Obsessions palette without the black matte shadow that broke apart,
Makeup, Product Spotlight

Rant about Huda Beauty Smokey Obsessions Palette

Thursday was such a busy day! In the morning, I attended a coffee at a friend’s house in the ‘hood for a woman who is running for State Representative in my district. She’s running against a guy who has held the seat, running unopposed for almost 20 years. So her candidacy is very exciting for us. Then I got on the train and subway and went to Sassoon in Boston to get my hair cut and “re-reded”. Then I got home in time to grab something to eat before heading to a board meeting for the Horticultural Society. Whew!

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Because I hadn’t stockpiled any posts, I wasn’t able to get anything up in time to publish on Friday. But since I have a few minutes now in the middle of housecleaning, lol, I thought I’d just mention something that’s bugging me, especially since it affected my housecleaning – in my bathroom specifically.

The other day, I went to use my Huda Beauty Smokey Obsessions Palette (reviewed here). It’s one of my favorite palettes because it’s small enough for travel, small enough to leave out on my vanity or to store easily. It’s cool-toned which is generally good for me. And it has a good variety of mattes and shimmers in neutralish shades. Heck, I even listed it in my Best of 2017 Makeup. Here it is when I first got it. Looks great, doesn’t it?

closeup of Huda Beauty Smokey Obsessions shades,

The other day, I was getting ready to go out. I was wearing gray and black, so the palette would work with my outfit. I was in a hurry, as usual, and I grabbed an eyeshadow brush and dipped into the silver shadow and put it right on my lid. I looked in horror as I noticed my eyelid, rather than being a silvery gray, was black. Then I noticed that there was black dust over the entire inside of the palette on top of all of the shadows. And the black dust also seem to be all over my sink and vanity. I was so angry because I had done my foundation first, and I had to carefully remove the black eyeshadow from my eye as well as the black dust all over my face. I didn’t really have time to do everything all over again.

So what happened? It appeared that the black matte shadow had shattered and turned to powder. I didn’t notice it because it’s so dark. I was so angry that I dumped it out into the trash rather than waiting to fix it with alcohol. Then I went about trying to clean up the other shades as well as the inside of the palette. Looks like I’ve still got more cleaning to do. I hate wasting the shadow, but there’s still too much black dust on the other shades.

my Huda Beauty Smokey Obsessions palette without the black matte shadow that broke apart,

A few months ago when the Obsessions palettes first came out, a number of women complained online about receiving their palettes in the mail with many of the shades broken and dusty. I was grateful that I lucked out when mine arrived intact. I guess I jumped to the wrong conclusion. I don’t know if the black shadow already had “fault lines” inside it or if the few times that I traveled with it, it got tousled too much in my car, but it clearly had the same problem that others mentioned.

I had been planning to take this palette with me to Amsterdam next month, but now I won’t. I had also thought that I wanted to pick up another one in the Obsessions family, but I think I’ll pass.

Just curious, has anyone else had this happen to you with one of the Huda Beauty Obsessions palettes? I thought I’d email the company, but I wanted to get a sense of whether this was widespread or just a random thing that happened to me and a few other vocal folks online.

This is the mauve look I ended up with. You can tell I wasn’t in a good mood 😉 From the Huda Beauty Smokey Obsessions palette, I’m wearing the pink shimmer shadow on my lids, with some of the black in the outer V that I didn’t remove, and milk chocolate in the crease. Looks like I missed cleaning up a bit of black at the edge of one of my eyes. Oh well.

me wearing Huda Beauty Smokey Obsession palette on my eyes,

Here’s what else I’m wearing:




BTW, I noticed on Shopstyle that NET-A-PORTER is selling the comfy to wear Charlotte Tilbury Hollywood Lips creamy matte lipstick for $25 rather than the $34 that I’ve seen it priced on the Tilbury website and at Nordstrom. I may spring for one of the red shades, Screen Siren Red, now!

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  1. Oh, no! That really stinks. I have the Electric version, but I haven’t tried carrying it in my purse or traveling with it yet. Maybe now I won’t even try!

    1. Definitely don’t!! I brought it with me to Jeff’s house a couple of times around the holidays, but I have used it at home since then. That must have done it or maybe there were “fault lines” in the pan already. I know I didn’t drop it. Grrrrr. Hope yours stays OK!

  2. Yikes! That really sucks, Allison and thankfully I didn’t buy that palette!

    1. I may try calling Sephora, and see if there’s anything they can do.

  3. DiEtta says:

    Allison send that picture to the company and tell them exactly what happened! They need to know this so they can fix it. I love the Mini Tarte shadow pallets. No fall out at all. They sell them at Ulta. I find them where all the miscellaneous things are before the check out stand. Getting ready for the horrible rain that’s coming, up to maybe 10 inches in the mountain areas. We will be ok. We’re in the Orange County area more costal. We’re suppose to get about 2” of rain. Stay safe and warm. 🙋🏻❤️🌷

    1. I definitely will do that, DiEtta. In fact, a friend suggested contacting Sephora since that’s where I bought it. Since several months have passed since I bought it, they may not do anything but it’s worth asking. I haven’t tried the Mini Tartes but I look at them every time I go to Ulta. They’re adorable! Once spring is here, I have to pull out my Tarte unicorn palette coz it’s so pretty. The weather people changed their mind again, and now we’re predicted to get more than a foot of snow in my area along the coast. Ugh. I just hope the power stays on! I’m glad you’re in a safe spot. Batten down the hatches!!

  4. OH NOOOOOOOOOOOO! This is such a bummer, Allison! I think that you should exchange it for a new one! The palette is so pretty, but it shouldn’t fall apart like this!

    1. Helen, that’s a good idea. I bought it at because they were sold out back in November at the store. I remember being grateful that mine looked fine when it arrived because others reported that theirs arrived smashed. I may as well as, though I have no idea where the receipt is.

    2. DiEtta says:

      Allison send it to Huda and Sephora. Emails with pictures tell a lot, 👀👁

  5. Oh no! A broken palette is a heartbreaker at any time. I haven’t tried the Obsessions palettes, but I got my Desert Dusk (my only Huda palette) intact and whole, and it has survived one accidental dropping. I have, however, lost an Hourglass highlighter, a Pixi blush, and a Lorac Pro III shadow this year alone. Doesn’t augur very well.

  6. Ugh. That’s a total bummer. Hopefully Sephora will let you return. It looks like a great color palette, but I prefer to do my own blending of colors, not have it done for me. ☹️ Thanks for sharing.

    1. You made me laugh aloud, Michele! Yes, I agree doing one’s own blending sure beats having black added to every shade in the pan 😉

  7. My palette is still intact but I’ve only used it a few times.

    1. Treat it with kid gloves 😉

  8. I haven’t opened mine in a while but I definitely will now. The look you created is beautiful but it’s a shame that the palette is really useless now.

    1. I will call Sephora and see if they will do anything about it, but I’ll try a little harder to clean the remaining pans. I really liked this palette so I feel bad about it.

  9. Gabrielle says:

    Oh my stars! That is so very depressing! I would absolutely let Huda Beauty know (just try not to use the language I’d use).

    1. LOL, Garbrielle! I will contact Huda Beauty since I know I’m not the only one who had this problem. Also, I’ll see if Sephora will do anything about it though I doubt they will.

  10. On a happy note, you do look fabulous despite not being in the mood. I would be pissed too if that happens to me!

    1. Thank you, Kathryne! I’m glad it only cost $27, but it’s quite a mess.

  11. Ow that is such a bummer! It is a beautiful palette indeed, or at least as far as the shades go.

  12. Claire says:

    This has happened to mine too. Such a disappointment. Was it resolved? How did you get it resolved if it was?

    1. Claire, I regret to say that I got lazy and I didn’t do anything about it. I should have brought it back to Sephora, but I thought that you only have 30 days to return something and this was more than that. I’m sorry that it happened to you, too.

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