new products for the L'Oreal Age Perfect lines: Rosy Tone Fragrance-free Moisturizer and Mask & Hydra-Nutrition Balm,
Brand Spotlight, Skincare

L’Oreal Age Perfect Fragrance-Free Rosy Tone Moisturizer and 2 New Skincare Products

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A year ago, I wrote about the new L’Oreal Age Perfect Rosy Tone Moisturizer that I received for review from L’Oreal (review here). The ad campaign featuring Helen Mirren and the peachy-pink shade of the cream had caught my eye long before I received the product.

L'Oreal Age Perfect Cell Renewal Rosy Tone Moisturizer gold-topped jar on my vanity table,

A few weeks ago, Influenster sent me a new jar of L’Oreal Rosy Tone Moisturizer as well as two new products for review that have just been added to the product line.

L’Oreal Cell Renewal Rosy Tone Moisturizer Fragrance-Free

outer packaging for L'Oreal Age Perfect Rosy Tone Moisturizer,

While I encourage you to read my detailed review post from last year, here’s a brief recap. Rosy Tone Moisturizer is formulated for mature skin. It’s a rich, nourishing cream with Imperial peony to give dull skin a rosy glow. I had been skeptical of that claim, but for me, it’s true. In fact, when I wear Rosy Tone Moisturizer, I can often get away without wearing foundation because it somehow miraculously makes my skin look more even toned, my few remaining dark spots are less visible. The ingredient LHA Exfoliant resurfaces skin, while Imperial Peony gives older skin a pretty glow.

Rosy Tone Moisturizer is perfect for winter weather. Its rich formula feels protective as it hydrates skin that’s drier due to the cold outside and dry indoor air.

While I liked the results I got with Rosy Tone Moisturizer last year, I wasn’t crazy about the fragrance because it was quite strong. Although I like scents, I don’t love scented moisturizers. When I received these new products from Influenster, I didn’t notice that this was a fragrance-free version of the Rosy Tone Moisturizer. I was so happy when I finally noticed it on the packaging. I was all set to give it away, but not now 😉 Sorry!

L’Oreal Cell Renewal Rosy Tone Mask

L'Oreal Age Perfect Rosy Tone Mask outer packaging,

The new Rosy Tone Mask is a wonderful addition to the product line. In fact, it’s a product that I leave on my bathroom vanity because it’s so easy to use.

jar of L'Oreal Age Perfect Rosy Tone Mask,

The peachy-pink translucent gel contains finely ground mineral exfoliant as well as exoliating LHA exfoliant and AHA. Coupled with Imperial Peony, the fast acting mask gives older skin a rosy glow. It takes only 5 minutes. Lately, I haven’t had the patience for masks that take 20 minutes or so. Five minutes is ideal especially for my multistep nighttime skincare regimen. I use the mask twice a week. Good stuff.

open jar of L'Oreal Rosy Tone Mask showing the peachy-pink gel inside,

BTW, it has the lightest possible floral scent that I can only smell if I put my nose in the jar.

L’Oreal Cell Renewal Hydra-Nutrition All-Over Honey Balm 

outer packaging for L'Oreal Age Perfect Hydra-Nutrition Honey Balm,

This new product was and still is a bit of a mystery to me. The box calls it a “Treat”. It contains nurturing oils and Manuka honey. It can be used on face, neck, chest, and hands. Plus, it can be applied over moisturizer if you want extra protection.

honey colored tube of L'Oreal Age Perfect Hydra-Nutrition Honey Balm,

Because it is called a “balm”, I thought it was going to be a thick, heavy balm like the ones I have that are made from shea butter. I usually use those balms on my elbows and feet. L’Oreal Hydra-Nutrition Honey Balm is completely different!

blob of honey-colored L'Oreal Age Perfect Hydra-Nutrition Honey Balm,

It is a honey colored medium weight gel-cream that creates a smooth protected feeling on my skin. Frankly, I don’t want to waste it on my hands. It’s formulated for mature, very dry skin like mine can be in winter, so I use it on my face. I usually apply it after my serum, but if we get a really cold day when I know I’ll be outdoors for a while, I’ll apply it over my moisturizer.

Like the Mask, L’Oreal Age Perfect Hydra-Nutrition Balm has the very faintest scent, a whiff of honey. Essentially, it’s fragrance-free.

Final Thoughts

I was even more delighted by the new additions to the Rosy Tone product line than I expected to be. I am beyond thrilled that L’Oreal came out with a fragrance-free version of the Rosy Tone Moisturizer. Now I can finally toss my old jar that was just too strong a scent for me to use all the time. I love the new version, and it’s perfect for use right now! The Mask is just so darn easy and quick to use, and the balm is protective without being the least bit greasy – it’s a perfect year-round moisturizer. Great job, L’Oreal with the Age Perfect Rosy Tone line!

The new Age Perfect products from L’Oreal are widely available. They’re also at Ulta where you can use the Ulta $3.50 off $15 as well as get points. All three products contain 1.7 fl. oz. and are priced around $25. They are parabens and mineral oil-free.

Have you tried any of the new L’Oreal Age Perfect Rosy Tone skincare products?

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  1. I don’t mind scented moisturizer as long as it’s faint and not overpowering. I am with you about masking too, I don’t use masks as much anymore and when I do it’s the wash-off after 5-10 minutes types because I just don’t have the patience for them anymore.

    1. I don’t know what happened – I lost interest in the longer masks. I guess because I do them at night, and I don’t want to take the time. This 5 minute mask from L’Oreal is perfect, and it doesn’t seem to have a fragrance or it’s so faint, I don’t smell it

  2. That was so wise of L’Oreal for making a fragrance-free version of the Rose Tone Moisturizer. Many of their skincare products, that I have smelled, have such strong artificial fragrances that I wouldn’t want to put them on my face! This sounds really good!

    1. So many European skincare products are fragranced, but L’Oreal has been in the US long enough to know that Americans don’t like scented face products. So happy they introduced an unscented version of this terrific winter cream.

  3. I also far prefer unscented or very lightly scented products!

    1. I don’t know why anyone makes scented face cream or eye cream. So glad L’Oreal came out with this unscented version

  4. Sandy P says:

    So glad that you did this review. Can’t wear fragrances or products with fragrance in them or I will get a headache. As soon as I use my stash of these type of products (on a no buy unless the product is gone) I will certainly try them! And yes, I will use Ulta!

    1. Rosy Tone is the richest moisturizer I have ever used, Sandy. It is definitely a winter cream for me because of the consistency. I was so happy that they came out with a fragrance-free version because the original was just a bit too strong. The other two products – the easy to use mask and the balm – are both terrific. I think the balm is my favorite of the three if I had to choose just one. I love the gel-cream consistency, it’s lightweight by very hydrating, and it can be used alone or as extra coverage over another moisturizer – so innovative! And yes, Ulta is really killin’ it. I did reach platinum status again this year, and I probably shouldn’t cheer about it, but Ulta has so many Platinum Perks including 50% off products almost every day as well as the cash back to use on future purchases that I definitely think it’s better than Sephora’s VIB program.

  5. Ehmkay Nails says:

    How awesome that it comes in unscented. I’m also not a big fan of scented moisturizers. And wow, manuka honey is luscious!

  6. Laura S says:

    I’m so glad you did this review. I was interested in this when I first saw Helen Mirren as a spokesperson. I NEVER care who the companies use but I hold her in such high esteem it made me wonder and I am enjoying seeing older models for skincare especially. So I clicked on your link to the product and was directed to Amazon where I put it on auto delivery for %15 off and it was already a low price point as well as coming in a 2 pack (The Cream & The Mask) for a little less than $40! Thought I should thank you and pass the great deal along! 🙂 xo

    1. Laura, this super-rich cream (that I use at night rather than during the day) is perfect for winter. The 5 minute exfoliating mask is just great any time. I hope they suit you! I agree with you about how nice it is to see models and spokeswomen who actually are the right age for the product! And thank you for letting me know xoxo

  7. Fragrance free is a must for sensitive skin like mine! Glad to see it’s an option.

  8. I like scent free or lightly scented. I don’t want my moisturizer to overpower the actual scent I decide to wear for the day. As I age, I want to look into this – plus Helen Mirren is the spokesperson and I LOVE her.

    1. When the original L’Oreal Rosy Tone Moisturizer launched last year, it was Helen Mirren in the advertising that caught my eye too. It’s great that L’Oreal chose an age appropriate spokesperson, and they are usually good about that when it comes to their skincare. I was so happy they came out with a fragrance-free version of the cream because the original was just too highly scented.

  9. I received these from Influenster too and was thrilled that the moisturizer is fragance free. I do notice a light fragrance but compared to most L’Oreal it’s nothing. The balm is very strong for me and I’ve only used it on my hands. The mask is probably my favorite of the trio.

    1. I was so happy when I finally saw that the moisturizer was fragrance-free. I had the original, and though I liked the moisturizer for winter, the scent was probably the strongest ever. What an improvement IMO. That’s too bad that the Balm smells so strongly for you. Mine has a light honey scent, and it’s my favorite of the three. But the mask is a good one – so quick, easy and effective.

  10. I haven’t tried anything from the line but I’m most interested in that face mask.

    1. I would say the L’Oreal Rosy Tone Mask would be good for all skin types. I love how quick, easy and effective it is to use

  11. My Nail Polish Obsession says:

    I’ve never tried the skin care from this line. Face masks are always good though!

  12. Jess Scull says:

    The rosy tone moisturizer sounds perfect for me – I’ll have to try it

  13. 25 Sweetpeas says:

    Does the mask come with something to apply it with?! Always hate digging into pots.

    1. No, but I have about 20 scoops from other products. Or you can buy scoops at Sally’s or even at a craft store for just about nothing.

  14. I feel the same way about the rosy moisturizer. It seems like a very lovely product, but that fragrance is just SO strong!

    1. Yes, the original Rosy Tone Moisturizer was waaaaaaaay too strong.

  15. That’s awesome they came out with a fragrance free version! I used to use L’Oréal skincare a lot a few years ago, but it’s been a while. I need to check this line out!

    1. I’d say that the Age Perfect line is for an older demographic, but yes, I was so happy and surprised that they came out with a fragrance-free version of this super rich cream. WTG L’Oreal!

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