Weekly Roundups

My Very Bad Day and End of June Fashion Flash

Ever have one of those days where so many things go wrong you just want to go to sleep? That’s been my day today. All kinds of annoying things. And I didn’t get enough sleep. This is my mood, grrrr.

  1. On Sunday night, I was trying to program my coffeemaker, but I forgot how to do it. Instead of going off at 7:30am, it started grinding the coffee and brewing the coffee at midnight. So I waited till it brewed and poured it into a thermos. But by morning, it was cool. I poured it into my mug and put in in the microwave on “Reheat”. I was in a hurry to get to the RMV (see the next point), and I scalded the inside on my lower lip. All the skin came off, and my inside lower lip is swollen and sore.
  2. I didn’t realize the checks I ordered got my account number wrong. I wrote several checks including to the Registry of Motor Vehicles for my registration, and everything is hopelessly screwed up. I went to the RMV early this morning (there was already a line out the door and around the block) to pay them via Money Order to fix things, but they couldn’t accept it until the check is rejected. Then I have to go back and do it again. Ugh.
  3. I decided to finally use two redwood sling chairs that I bought at Restoration Hardware years ago that have been sitting in their boxes in the garage. I took them out of the boxes and brought them into the backyard. I was trying to figure out how to configure the first chair, and my thumb got stuck between two wooden sections of the chair. My thumb is blue-purple, very swollen and very sore.
  4. I was putting away the wooden clothes horse or whatever it’s called to dry clothes on. And as it collapsed to fit into the closet, my pinkie got stuck between two pieces of it and that finger is also sore and swollen.
  5. I decided to clean the black and green mildew off of the tops of the white railings on my deck before my aunt comes to visit on Wednesday for the holiday weekend. I was almost finished cleaning the railing tops when I felt an excruciating sharp pain on the inside of my upper arm. I couldn’t imagine what it was till I looked down and saw a hornet repeatedly stinging me. My arm is killing me and I have a huge welt about 4″ x 4″. I should be happy, I guess, that I don’t have anaphylaxis since I don’t have an Epipen.

I was going to write a blogpost tonight, but my arm and thumb are driving me crazy and I can’t concentrate. I’m going to watch TV instead ‘coz that’s about all I can do right now. Sorry for all the whining. I know that none of these things are a big deal, just all together they’re a little much 😉

Because of the Fourth of July holiday this week, I think I may take a few days off from blogging because I sincerely hope that you are getting together with family and friends and doing fun things. I’ll be back soon and I promise I’ll be in a better mood xoxo

Also, my Paula’s Choice 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliator giveaway should be ending soon. I’ll be back to announce the winner. Please enter if you haven’t already!

new intro image for Fashion Flash for spring

For those of you who are in the mood for some fun and informative reading on topics for women over 40, Angie, our style maven, is hosting Fashion Flash for the first time. Please do click over to her blog, Your True Self Blog, to find out what all the beauty, second life, fashion, style, wellness, and travel bloggers of Fashion Flash have been up to.

Enjoy the holiday if you’re in the U.S.! And if you are Canadian, please forgive me for missing Canada Day on Monday.

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  1. Dana Rodriguez says:

    Aww you DID have a bad day. Feel better soon. I hope you have a nice 4th 🙂

    1. Thank you so much, Dana! My hornet stings are rather recalcitrant – more swollen, redder and definitely itchier than yesterday 🙁 but my thumb is slightly better, yay. Hope you have a wonderful and relaxing 4th!

  2. Holly Thomas says:

    And I thought a wet nasty furball squishing between my toes was bad, enjoy your weekend!

    1. Now that is truly gross, Holly! I can imagine what that feels like. Ugh! Have a Happy 4th!

  3. Sandy Pincombe says:

    Oh my goodness, my fingers and arm are hurting in sympathy 😩. We had looked at those chairs years ago after we enjoyed them on a trip to Nassau but never did buy them. Hope you can get them up so you can enjoy them this summer. You need some “Allison” time! Enjoy your time with your Aunt……and hope you found a good movie to watch yesterday.

    1. What a coincidence that you look at the Restoration Hardware chairs too, Sandy! I figured out how to set them up (that was how I injured my thumb), and they look nice. I also have blue adirondack chairs from LL Bean that I prefer, but I needed more seating in the yard and it is stupid that the chairs have been sitting unused in the garage for about 17 years! Unfortunately, my hornet stings are just as bad and even more swollen and red and itchy today. Hopefully, they’ll feel better soon. Other than ice and Benadryl, I don’t know what to try. Hope you have a pleasant holiday!

  4. rach says:

    Nope, totally entitled to a bit of a rant. Most people would whine about just one of those events, and while yes they are minor in the grand scale of things, let’s be honest – scalding your mouth, mangling your fingers, and dealing with angry hornets – that sh!t still HURTS. And it’s a mystery for the ages, the certain hellish je ne sais quoi that surrounds each and every bureau/registry of motor vehicles office, so one really cannot be held accountable for succumbing to its funk. Is it a conspiracy-theory level government experiment? Or at the very least just highly specialised training combining bureaucratic principles with highly off-putting attitudes? Whatever it is I’ve never met anyone who was happy to have to go there.
    Relax and have a good holiday! And maybe get some hornet spray… I dislike resorting to chemicals but there is no place for hornets near my back door. Nope nope and nope. I hope your welt and your fingers and lip are starting to feel better. And next time you take those evil chairs out of the boxes you’ll show ’em what’s what. 😀

    1. Thank you, Rachel! I will ask Jeff to look for a hornets nest on the porch, and if there is one as I suspect there is, he’ll spray it. Now the swelling has grown to 7″ x 4″ and it’s red, very swollen and itchy. I tried ice and it worked while I was icing it but now not so much. I’ll try again. I got my finger stuck in the chair while I was trying to figure out how to set it up, boo hoo. But I did prevail, and they both look nice sitting in my yard. Sadly, I will have to go back to the RMV once I get a letter telling me that my check was rejected and threatening me again with revoking my registration. Unfortunately, I didn’t notice that my new polka dot checks were printed with a mistake in the account number. Ugh. Hope you have a wonderful 4th – hope you don’t have to work! xoxo

      1. rach says:

        I too received a printing mistake once (routing number) and likewise didn’t notice until after I’d used one. Ugh is right. Yep, that was my lesson learned. So sorry the welt has grown! You’re probably on the right track with the ice and Benadryl. I’d douse it in Bactine too, but that’s just me. My use of Bactine has been known to bring about comparisons to the Windex-loving father from My Big Fat Greek Wedding. LOL

  5. gloria patterson says:

    LOL ….. I would have just crawled back into bed! It must have been DMV hell in a lot of places. I got there last thursday at 8:35 parking lot full, and a line out the door. Good thing that line moved fast only 15 minutes. Then I found a chair an with my number waited 58 minutes for it to be called. Hope you have a great 4th!

  6. Gabrielle says:

    Ow!!!! You really did have a bad day. I hope things get much better for you ASAP.

    1. Thank you, Gabrielle! I went to see the nurse practitioner today because my reaction to the hornet stings got worse today than yesterday, and the nurse on the phone was concerned it could turn to cellulitis. I’m going to take a course of prednisone, and hopefully that will help stop the infection, my reaction to the bee venom, the swelling, heat and incessant itch. Have a wonderful 4th!

      1. Gabrielle says:

        Oh my gosh! I hope the prednisone does the trick. These hornets are dangerous. I read about “super wasp nests” in Alabama that can contain 18,000 of those things and now I’m just terrified. Be very careful outside and in sheds and such, okay?

  7. I saw that article about the huge wasp nests too. Horrifying! I disturbed a wasp nest in a juniper tree because I didn’t see it. I ended up with 11 wasp stings, anaphylaxis and was hospitalized for 3 days. I’m terrified of stinging insects. I hope we both can stay out of their way!

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