fun book, toys and activities in the camper's giveaway box

Giveaway: Children’s Book & Care Package for a Kid at Camp & Gift Card for You!

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July is almost in the history books, but we still have about a month of active summer to go. And for many families, that means kids at camp! Even if your kids or grandkids love to get away to overnight camp with siblings, friends or on their own, they still like to hear from the folks at home. Getting a care package of goodies from loved ones can make a kid’s day especially when they’re away from home.

campers in a swimming pool

I remember when I went to sleep away camp decades ago, I was always hoping there would be a letter or maybe even a box with my name on it. Sadly, I don’t think I got too many during my time at Camp Ramah in Palmer MA.

lake with canoes and kayaks at Camp Ramah, Palmer MA
credit: Camp Ramah

A couple of years ago going through a box of old things, I came across a letter from my younger cousin Gordon who I am still close to written to me at camp at the foothills of the Berkshires in western MA when he was a 10 year old camper at Camp Bauercrest, north of Boston. It was such a hoot to read it again. So darn cute!

summer camp in the forest

As you know, Fashion Flash has been hosting Beauty and A Book giveaways for more than a year. Usually the giveaway includes a new novel or mystery, some fab makeup items and often a gift card to a beauty retailer. This time, Fashion Flash is mixing it up a bit and celebrating summer with families and kids by hosting a more kid-focused giveaway. Here’s the deal!

Let’s start with the book. When I went to overnight camp, I took a several books with me. I remember so clearly swapping books with other girls in my bunk and all of us talking about the books we were reading. I often read in the afternoon under a shady tree near the lake during our free periods. Many of us read by flashlight after light’s out.

The Pennypackers Go On Vacation by Linda Doan

The book included included in our giveaway is The Pennypackers Go On Vacation, a new mystery/adventure story by children’s author Lisa Doan. It’s a perfect summer read for both boys and girls of the tween set, ages 9-12. The protagonist Charlie Pennypacker and his profligate attorney mom have been nagging their tightfisted dad, Charles Pennypacker, for years to take the family on a real summer vacation. But instead of traveling, Mr. Pennypacker has always set up backyard camping trips where the family makes believe they’re somewhere new and exciting. This year, after Mr. Pennypacker gets a substantial bonus from his accounting firm, Mrs. Pennypacker and Charlie convince Mr. Pennypacker that this is the year for a real vacation. They are truly surprised when he comes home one day and tells them they’re going on a Disney Cruise. Turns out they misheard the name of the cruise. Instead of an 11 story, luxurious Disney cruise ship with Mickey and Minnie, the Pennypackers go on a knock-off Wisney Cruise, a dilapidated old fishing vessel with a shady character as the captain. The captain is being pursued by two men in dark suits as the ship with the Pennypackers aboard travel from port to port throughout the Caribbean. Charlie, his annoying little sister Olive, and his former best friend turned nemesis, Gunther, who comes along on the trip after his parents offer Mr. Pennypacker $30 a day to take him along, are in for the adventure of their young lives. The book is contemporary, funny, fast-paced, and appropriate for middle-schoolers. A fun read for a kid at camp to be sure.

The book is illustrated by Marta Kissi with witty, fun drawings throughout the text. Published in Spring 2019 by Roaring Brook Press, a division of Macmillan.

Fun Activities and Toys in the Gift Box

the prizes - toys and activities - in the giveaway box for campers

In addition to The Pennypackers Go On Vacation, there are lots of fun toys and activities in the goodie box to play with alone or with friends at camp and at home afterwards:

  • a special edition of Camp Daze MadLibs
  • star stickers
  • two glitter stickers
  • a deck of Uno cards
  • camp stationery items
  • 6 bright glitter markers
  • a bunch of rubber wrist band bracelets
  • a Room-A-Rang interior room boomerang made of cardboard so no one gets hurt
  • a set of jacks and a glitter carrying case
  • a plastic pizza toss game that I have never seen before!

In total, the box of toys and activities as well as The Pennypackers Go On Vacation are worth $100.

But there’s more!

There’s also either a little something for the gifter or something that could be given to the camper. Your choice. A $50 VISA gift card to spend as you like!

closeup of VISA gift card

I know if I was a pre-teen or middle school camper, I’d be over the moon to get an adventure book and the box of bright, colorful and fun items to fool around with.

Giveaway Rules

Fashion Flash and I are giving away the mystery/adventure book for kids, The Pennypackers Go On Vacation by Lisa Doan, the box of kids’ activities and toys and the $50 VISA card to one lucky reader of Never Say Die Beauty!

The giveaway is limited to U.S. residents, age 18+, where permitted by law. The giveaway will run for about 10 days from today, Wednesday, July 31 till midnight Sunday, August 11, 2019; the last full day of the giveaway is Saturday, August 10.

I’m sure by now you know the drill. You MUST LEAVE A COMMENT ON THE BLOGPOST, and this time I’ll make it a comment related to summer camp since this is a camp-themed giveaway. The comment I want you to leave on this blogpost is: Did you go to summer camp and what was your favorite part? Or what do you do when your kids are away at camp? You can add anything else you want to the comment as long as you answer at least one of the questions. Other mandatories are:

One entry per household. The comment on this blogpost and following Lisa Doan per above are all mandatory. And you must record that you did each on the Rafflecopter widget below.

Extras include:

  • tweet a message about the giveaway

If you tweet the message (something you can do daily if you like), you are entitled to more points. But YOU MUST CLICK OFF THAT OPTION on the Rafflecopter widget. Also, I do verify that the winner has done the tasks she/he has checked off on the widget. For a giveaway a couple of months ago, I had to have Rafflecopter choose 6 names till I could find a winner who actually did what they said they did! Don’t let it be you who gets disqualified 🙂

Note: By entering in this contest giveaway, the entrant acknowledges that entrant’s email address might be shared with at least one third party.

The winner will be notified by me via email. You have 48 hours to get back to me, if not a new winner will be selected. The winner will provide me with her/his mailing address, and the I will send your prizes to you as soon as possible. Fashion Flash and I are not responsible for loss or damage in shipping. In other words, if it’s lost or damaged in shipping, we will be sad, but there is no replacement.

Thanks for entering and spreading the word about the giveaway! Good luck!



a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Audrey Stewart says:

    I went to Girl Scout Summer Camp. We were all in big tent that sat on a raised platform. It slept 12 girls. One girl woke up to her hair being pulled at, and it was a mouse. He was in her hair. None of us would go back in there. We slept the rest of the night in cars. I called my Mom the next morning to come and get me.

    1. Audrey, that is the funniest camp story! Thanks for sharing it! Good luck in the giveaway!

  2. Jennifer Rote says:

    I never went to summer camp and neither did my children. My favorite summer camp movie is The parent Trap.

    1. Laura says:

      I never went to a summer camp, but would have liked to! American movies make it seem like so much fun!

  3. Gwendolyn Jordan says:

    I never went to camp

    1. I went to day camp a few times, and once I went for one day and refused to go back. You’re probably better off, Gwendolyn! Thanks for entering and good luck!

  4. Nerlande says:

    I went to Girl Scout camps when I was in Girl Scouts it was so much fun!

    1. That’s great! I loved being a Girl Scout, but I didn’t get to go to GS camp. Glad you did. Thanks for entering the giveaway, and good luck!

  5. I never went to a summer camp as a kid although as a Brownie Girl Scout I did go to a weekend camp. I don’t recall much about it!
    Judy recently posted…Have You Heard of Doubledown Cosmetics?My Profile

  6. I went to summer camp every year. never a sleep away camp but we went on day trips every day to the pool, amusement parks and the beach. The beach was always my favorite

    1. I actually preferred day camp to overnight camp. That’s great that you did a lot of fun stuff!

  7. Kelly D says:

    Yes, I went to summer (day) camp. My favorite part was spending time outdoors. The forest on a rainy day still reminds me of camp. hah

    1. I agree with you, Kelly. The woods are wonderful in the rain! Thank you for entering the giveaway, and good luck!

  8. I went to music camp for several years. This is a great giveaway!
    Lola Seicento recently posted…Charlotte Tilbury 40% Off Summer SaleMy Profile

    1. It makes total sense to me that you went to music camp. Which instrument(s) do you play?

      1. There was also an art camp as well! I played the violin for MANY years and then the flute. Rather unsurprising indeed, and it makes sense why I would have ended up the field that I chose!
        Lola Seicento recently posted…Charlotte Tilbury 40% Off Summer SaleMy Profile

        1. Yes, indeed, Helen xo

  9. Natalie says:

    I went to a Christian Bible camp every summer by a lake. I would spend the day doing activities such as rope climbing, kayaking and swimming and we would have groups throughout the day.

    1. It sounds wonderful, Natalie. Good memories! Thank you for entering the giveaway!

  10. Kim Pincombe-Cole says:

    I went to summer camp in upstate New York on a beautiful lake. Straight out of a movie. Some of my favorite childhood memories..

    1. How wonderful, Kim! I’m glad that you have good memories of camp! Thanks for entering the giveaway, and good luck!

  11. I never went on any camps except All-State Orchestra then a bunch of summer music programs, all in high school. I am not the social activity in groups type, lol.

  12. gloria patterson says:

    I don’t think WAY back when there was summer camps. I remember that when summer started all the kids in the neighborhood would be out of the house early in the morning. We would pack a PB&J sandwich and a apple. And we would not come home till mothers started yelling out their front doors that dinner was ready. My niece has a boy & a girl, she makes sure that they go to camp at different times. The kid that stays home gets to go and have special times with mom.

    1. I definitely think there were summer camps, Gloria, because my aunt went to overnight camp and she is much older than you 😉 But I’m glad to hear about how you and the kids in your neighborhood made your own summer fun. I think kids were more creative and independent back in the day. Thanks for entering the giveaway, and good luck 🙂

  13. I loooved getting little packages from home when my sister and I spent summers at camps. The camp time was always fun though!
    Glamorable recently posted…Sleek Makeup Solstice Highlighting PaletteMy Profile

  14. Heather D says:

    I never went to camp. I always wanted to though.

  15. Patricia wright says:

    I went to a Christian camp one year with my cousin. I was about 12 and it was my first time away from home. I was there a week.

    1. I hope you have good memories of camp with your cousin, Patricia! Thanks for entering the giveaway, and good luck!

  16. My little guy comes home tomorrow from a 10 night camp and I can’t wait to see him. We weren’t allowed to send packages like in the past. But he’d have a ball with these prizes at home. Great giveaway. You know I’ll be sharing it.

    1. Hope you entered! I think your little guy would love the book!

  17. Amber Kolb says:

    I went to camp in the 5th grade at the end of the school year with my class. It was called Camp Timbers and it was a lot of fun! There aren’t really any good camps for young kids around here anymore. It’s sad.

    1. That is too bad, Amber, that there aren’t camps in your area. But I’m glad that you have good memories of Camp Timbers! Thank you for entering the giveaway, and good luck!

  18. Naomie says:

    I loved Summer Camp! My favorite part is getting to have a sleep over with my friends every night.

    1. I never thought of summer camp as a sleep over with friends but that’s exactly right, Naomie! Thank you for entering the giveaway, and good luck!

  19. My daughter went to camp every summer from age 8-14.
    Cindy Ingalls recently posted…Paula’s Choice Youth-Extending Daily Hydrating Fluid!My Profile

  20. bn100 says:

    didn’t got to camp

  21. Jan Lee says:

    I worked at a summer camp for two years as a sports and rec director. We did not sleep on the ground tho, lol There were platform tents with cots and mattresses that the kids put their sleeping bags on. I also remember going to camp as a girl scout in elementary school 🙂

    1. Wow, so you really “camped” (even if it wasn’t directly on the ground) at your camp! We slept on beds in a bunkhouse, lol. It’s so interested to hear about everyone’s different camp experiences. Thank you for entering the giveaway, and good luck in the drawing!

  22. Jan Lee says:

    When I click on the link to visit Lisa Doan Website …it says: This server could not prove that it is; its security certificate is from This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection. IT IS A BIG SECURITY ERROR and won’t let me to the website

    1. Thank you for letting me know! My power and cable are out due to a storm. I will look into this tomorrow.

    2. I just went to Lisa’s website again on my phone with no problem. At the top where the URL is, it does say “not secure”. Google wants everyone to spend the money to get an “https” instead of the less secure “http”. I did upgrade to https for my website, and my site and analytics have never been the same since. At any rate, I don’t get that threatening warning that you got. Would you try again tomorrow and LMK what happens? Thanks so much and sorry for the inconvenience

  23. This is a great giveaway for a getaway!

  24. Aw I love this giveaway! It reminds me of when I was a kid and was going to summer camp.
    T recently posted…InnerPro Sports App ReviewMy Profile

  25. Great giveaway for the young ones and young once 🙂

  26. This looks like such a fun family prize!

  27. Thank you for the great giveaway! I went to church camp.
    Courtney recently posted…Back to School Goth Makeup TutorialMy Profile

  28. Kathy says:

    I’ve never been to summer camp and my kids haven’t either. I have been to church camps before though. They were always a lot of fun.

  29. Emily Benzing says:

    I’ve never been to camp! I’m kind of glad I never did because I was very shy and anxious as a kid and I think it would of been a bad experience, lol.

    1. I was kind of the same way, Emily: shy. I was 16 when I went to sleep away camp, and that was OK plus I went with a friend who kind of abandoned me when we got there, lol. Thanks for entering the giveaway, and good luck!

  30. Tara L says:

    Years ago I went to a summer camp my mom put me in but I didn’t like it at all really and I kinda forget bits and pieces.

    1. It’s so interesting, Tara, how many women who are entering the giveaway either disliked camp or never went. Oh well. Although I did like the overnight camp I went to because I was in high school at that point, but my parents sent me to a day camp where I refused to go back after the first day and they lost the money the paid for it. I’ve always felt bad about it. At any rate, thanks for entering the giveaway, and good luck!

  31. Cynthia Richardson says:

    I went to a school sixth grade “graduation” camp for a week and was sooooo homesick! Plus – there was food poisoning and it turned into a barf-fest.

    1. How awful, Cynthia! What misery. Oh well. Thanks for entering the giveaway, and good luck!

  32. 25 Sweetpeas says:

    Fun things to do! Never did any camps of any sort but we always camped a lot, I hated it because of allergies! LOL! But games are always fun, we’ve really enjoyed UNO Flip this year!

  33. Jen Walker says:

    I never actually went to summer camp, so I clearly missed out! My oldest is recently 6 so it’s a little too early for him yet, but he gets to go to a day camp and visit grandparents for a week over the summer. Today was his first day of school!

    1. Wow, I hope your son enjoys school! But your school system certainly starts early!

  34. I always wanted to go to camp when I was a kid! It sounded like such a fun, magical place to spend the summer.
    Nina Kasper recently posted…Eski-Meow Kisses and Black Cat Magic from Lacquer JunkieMy Profile

    1. It’s so interesting to read the range of reactions to going to camp and wanting to go to camp. Definitely a polarizing experience. But I agree, the idea of camp is great and by and large, I enjoyed it

  35. I didn’t go to summer camp. I was not a fan of the outdoors.

  36. Jessica S says:

    I went to a gymnastics summer camp. It was a lot of fun.

    1. Gymnastics camp must have been wonderful! I knew there were specialized camps, but I hadn’t thought of gymnastics. Thanks for sharing your camp memories and for entering the giveaway. Good luck!

  37. amybelle2001 says:

    I went to Duke for summer camp and LOVED it! It was my first time away from home, and I loved the sense of freedom.

    1. That must have been summer and certainly interesting to go to summer camp at Duke! I’m not surprised you loved it. Thanks for entering the camp giveaway, and good luck!

  38. I used to go to Day Camp at the local before/after school daycare that I attended all year around. I was not emotionally ready when I was in elementary school to attend a sleep away camp, haha!

    1. A lot of kids aren’t ready to be away from home especially during elementary school. Thanks, Rebecca, for entering the giveaway and good luck!

  39. Edye says:

    We always talk and text to stay in contact 🙂

    1. That’s good that your kids’ camp allows the kids to keep in touch while they’re away! Thank, Edye, for entering the giveaway, and good luck!

  40. Lisa says:

    I never went to camp, but the idea of it always seemed super fun to me.

  41. Heidi says:

    I never when to camp though I wish I did now. And my kids don’t want to go to camp, maybe they will wish they did like me. So I try to make summer as fun for them as I can with outdoor activities and crafts.

    1. That’s great that you make your own family camp at home for your kids during the summer, Heidi. Not all kids want to go to camp when they’re little. Thanks for entering the giveaway, and good luck!

  42. Kate S. says:

    I didn’t go to summer camp when I was kid… I don’t even remember that the opportunity was available to me at the time. My daughter hasn’t gone yet, but I think she’d like it.

  43. I went to camp Toronto my favorite part was it was near the woods and had a beach for swimming and canoing.

    1. Being in a totally different atmosphere, like woods and beach, really can be one of the best parts of camp. Thanks for sharing your camp memories and entering the giveaway. Good luck!

  44. athena graeme says:

    I’m the troop leader for my daughter’s Girl Scout troop, so no breaks for me! I go with her on their summer camps! My favorite part of taking the girls camping is that first dip in the lake! I love hearing the screams of shock from the new girls who aren’t ready for the mud between their toes!

    1. How wonderful, Athena, that you go with your daughter’s GS troop to their summer camp! I love your description of the best part <3 Thank you for entering the giveaway, and good luck!

  45. Kim Henrichs says:

    My family went camping but my actual girl scout summer camp was in Yellowstone every year!

    1. How fortunate, Kim! I have never been to Yellowstone but would love to go. Thank you for entering the giveaway, and good luck!

  46. Luna S says:

    No, I never went to summer camp as a kid. I always thought it would be fun to do though.

  47. Tiffany S says:

    No, I have never went to summer camp when I was a kid.

  48. Debra Branigan says:

    I went to 4-H Summer Camp for several years. It was a lot of fun with crafts, games, and summer crushes.

    1. Summer crushes – you are the first one to mention that, Debra, but yes, a key remembrance of camp! Thank you for entering the giveaway, and good luck!

  49. Jennifer Stapp says:

    I love to camp, aside from extreme heat and mosquito or ticks. My favorite part is cooking over an open fire!

    1. Cooking over a camp fire certainly is a memorable aspect of camp. Sadly, we never did that. Thanks for entering, Jennifer, and good luck in the drawing!

  50. Susan Smith says:

    I went to Girl Scout camp and enjoyed swimming and canoeing.

  51. Tracy Robertson says:

    I went to summer camp in the 5th grade. It wasn’t all bad, but the thing I remember most is the counselors teaching everyone that you can lick a banana slug. Everyone was licking it because it was “safe” but I wouldn’t do it because I did not see the point of licking an ugly slug after a bunch of other kids have (and I still don’t) LOL!

    1. Why in heaven’s name would the counselor try to encourage that behavior? Oh well, that’s camp for you! Thanks, Tracy, for entering the giveaway and good luck!

  52. stephanie jones says:

    i went to a day camp

  53. Lauren U says:

    I only went to day camps. Same with my kids.

    1. Well, day camp can be lots of fun too! Thanks for entering the giveaway, Lauren, and good luck!

  54. Betsy Barnes says:

    Growing up, I was a Girl Scout and went to summer camp every year. My favorite thing at camp was all the crafts!

    1. I like crafting too, Betsy! Thank you for entering the giveaway, and good luck!

  55. Jessica Walker says:

    I did not go to summer camp as a child.

  56. Rebecca Weiss says:

    My kids are at church camp this week and are having a great time with their friends. I an catching up on my cleaning and reading some books while it is quiet.

    1. I’m glad you’re enjoying your peace and quiet to catch up on things you need and want to do while the kids are away. Thank you, Rebecca, for entering the giveaway, and good luck!

  57. Lauren Becker says:

    I went to day camp as a girl scout and that was really fun. I only did overnight camps for one night – I was too shy to do a full week anywhere.


    1. I was shy in certain circumstances too. My parents sent me to a day camp with a friend who was a year older than me, and they put us in a group of older girls, my friend’s ago and up. The other girls ignored me and I felt awful. I refused to go back, and my parents lost the money they paid. I have always felt bad about that. Camp dredges up all kinds of memories. Thank you, Lauren, for sharing yours and for entering the giveaway. Good luck!

  58. Ellen Casper says:

    I never went to summer camp – my kids went to a sports camp.

  59. Alexandra Y says:

    I went to summer camp and swimming was my favorite part.

  60. NANCY says:

    My kids went to day camps. When I went to camp, I was gone for weeks. Archery was a fun activity.

  61. maria gentry says:

    I never went to Summer camp, but my friends did and always had fun!

  62. Laura Unger says:

    I went to a day summer camp and still have very fond memories of it. My children have attended the same camp for the past several years and they love it as well!

    1. That’s great that your camp has become a family tradition, Laura! Thanks for entering the giveaway, and good luck!

  63. Amanda Whitley says:

    i never went to a regular summer camp but my aunt knew i always wanted to go to one so she made her own little summer camp for me and my other cousins. we did arts and crafts and went on lots of day trips. she even had t shirts made with our fake camp name

    1. That’s absolutely amazing, Amanda! What a wonderful aunt! Thanks for entering the giveaway, and good luck!

  64. Lisa says:

    I never liked summer camp or going camping with the girl scouts or anything. I was always home sick.

    1. I think lots of kids felt that way about being away from home, including me! Thanks for entering the giveaway anyway, Lisa. Good luck!

  65. Teresa D Kunberger says:

    I went to church camp and I absolutely loved it! Was so fun being with all my friends and just loads of things to do

    1. Thanks for sharing your memories of camp, Teresa! Good luck in the drawing

  66. Jennifer R says:

    I did go to summer church camp growing up and remember the swimming being my favorite part. I do send my kids to camp currently and enjoy the free time at evening meals with my husband as my favorite part. It is a good thing for both kids and parents in my opinion.

    1. It’s a good thing for parents to have some couple’s time while the kids are at camp. Bravo! Thanks for entering, Jennifer, and good luck

  67. Ladonna Wilson says:

    I never went to camp but my kids did and me and my hisband took a couple vacay while they were gone and it was so nice.

    1. Yes! Glad you and your husband had a little couple’s time while the kids were at camp. Thanks, Ladonna, for entering the giveaway and good luck

  68. Daniel G. says:

    I don’t remember going to camp as a kid, I remember Vacation Bible School. And being camp counselor in High School

    1. That all certainly counts as camp, Daniel! Thanks for entering and good luck!

  69. Megan Wilson says:

    I went to a camp called Hidden Hollow here in Ohio growing up, my favorite memories of the camp are the scary stories by campfire, the talent show, and the friday night dance where the counselors did a special dance to “the grooveline”, to start it out! Great Memories! Lisa also wrote The Berenson Schemes Series. Followed all pages, and here is the link to my Twitter Share:

    1. Megan Wilson says:

      Just noticed the giveaway widget, thought this was a comment only entry at first, sorry about that! 😅Thank you for the giveaway! ☺️

      1. Thanks, Megan, for using the widget. Good luck in the drawing.

  70. Sandra Preti says:

    I loved camp! My favorite part was meeting friends and then becoming pen pals.

    1. Pen pals! Such good memories! Thanks for entering, Sandra, and good luck!

  71. John Smith says:

    “Did you go to summer camp & what was your favorite part?” I went to a day camp and a regular camp when I was maybe 9. I liked it when it rained too much at day camp and we didn’t have to go hike in the hot, sweaty outdoors and got to stay inside the big air-conditioned log-cabin-type-building.

    1. LOL, John! Great story. Thanks for entering and good luck

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