a pouch containing a one month supple of biotin chews 10,000 mcg from CVS Health
Health & Beauty, Nails

CVS Health Biotin 10,000 mcg Dietary Supplement

I know I’ve mentioned a couple of times that in early June I got my thumb stuck in a folding outdoor chair. It was incredibly painful. And because I was home alone, I had to figure out how to get my thumb unstuck without breaking my thumb. I managed to get it out, but I seriously screwed up my thumbnail. A lot of blood pooled up under my nail and I squished the nail bed. Yuck. Over time, my nail started to grow out as a new nail grew underneath it. In 4 months, my new nail has almost but not quite grown in. My new nail has grown a half inch, and my old nail has come off. Frankly, I attribute my new nail and its relatively rapid growth to the biotin supplement I take every day.

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Is Biotin for You?

The recommended daily dose of biotin (vitamin B7) for adults is between 30-70 mcg. Because biotin is found in common foods (e.g. liver, milk, eggs, salmon, pork, cauliflower, spinach, whole grains etc.), most adults get the regular recommended daily dosage just from eating a balanced diet.

However, some years ago, studies showed that an elevated daily dose of biotin via a supplement could stimulate hair and nail growth. I have been taking biotin supplements for about 5 years. There doesn’t seem to be one recommended dosage of biotin. Typically, I take 5000 mcg/day, and it seems to do the job for me. Biotin is water-soluble, and excess biotin flushes out of the system. Though there don’t seem to be negative consequences of too much biotin, it doesn’t make sense to routinely take too much. The only negative that I read, and it could be a critical effect, is that too much biotin can affect laboratory test results for thyroid or cardiac tests by giving either abnormally high or low test results. I do get lab tests to measure cholesterol, HDL/LDL and vitamin D levels twice a year. So far, my test results have been very stable.

However, a couple of months ago, CVS decided to reward some of their best customers with some free products. I got a tub of cashews, a facial masque, and a pouch of CVS Health Biotin 10,000mcg. Because they were free, when I finished my regular biotin tablets, I decided to use the ones from CVS.

a pouch containing a one month supple of biotin chews 10,000 mcg from CVS Health

In addition to supporting hair, skin and nail health, the packaging says that biotin also supports the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

CVS Health 10,000 mcg Biotin Mixed Berry Chews

The CVS Health 10,000 mcg Biotin are paper wrapped chews in a mixed berry flavor.

wrapped CVS Health biotin chew 10,000 mcg

They easy to chew, and they taste good. Each one has 20 calories.

unwrapped 10,000 mcg mixed berry chew from CVS Health

The pouch contains 30 chews, a one month supply. The price is $9.99, but right now online they are buy one, get one free.

The packaging says the chews contain natural flavor and no yeast, wheat, gluten, milk or milk derivatives, lactose, preservatives, artificial color or flavor or salt. However, the packaging says it contains soy, and I know that those who are gluten-free avoid soy products.

Ingredients: Biotin, sugar, corn syrup, natural flavor, palm oil, soy lecithin, citric acid, malic acid, glycerin, fruit and vegetable juice for color.

Final Thoughts

The CVS Health Biotin 10,000 mcg chews are tasty and convenient. Nevertheless, I don’t think that I need 10,000 mcg a day. After I finish these, I will go back to the Natrol Biotin Tabs with 5000 mcg that I had been taking for a couple of years. Nevertheless, I hope that my thumbnail will grow out all the way so I can go back to wearing nail polish!

Do you take biotin supplements? If so, how much do you take daily?



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  1. Sandy Pincombe says:

    Allison, interesting review. I had taken Biotin a few years ago but can’t remember why I stopped. I certainly could use something for my nails. I sure don’t need such a high dose but will check with my pharmacist on the dose he/she recommends.

    Hope the extreme weather has not caused you problems 💧💦🌬⛈

    1. Sandy, I lost power for a couple of days, but got it back a little while ago! With biotin, you need to take it for a few months before you see results but it does make my nails and hair grow much faster! I’d be curious to see what your pharmacist recommends for hair and nail growth. The recommended daily dose for adults is just 30-35mcg, but you won’t see any boost to your hair or nails with that. Hope you have a good weekend!

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