mauve-heather rolled neck, sleeve & bottom cashmere sweater from Chinese retailer
Fashion, Features

The Cashmere Sweater Chinese Retailer Saga Part II

I Bought This

I want to let you know that I just discovered a potentially useful website called I checked the website that I ordered the cashmere sweaters from, and it had been given a 20% Trustscore rating, a “very low” rating. Gee, I wish I had known about this website before I ordered! But now we all know about it. Here’s what else they said about the website on There were no positive highlights about the website, domain or company, but here are the negatives:

Negative highlights
  • The identity of the owner of the website is hidden
  • The website is using a computer also used by other websites
  • No reviews have been found on WOT (WebOfTrust).
  • It has been 216 Days days since the website was set-up
  • This website’s setup relates to 3 countries

As long as we’re talking highlights and Trustscores, the website that was attached to the email I received with a tracking number after ordering from called, received a Trustscore of 71%. Although 71% is not considered in the “safe” zone, it was considered neutral. Nevertheless, I tried to go to the website to see if I could find a contact number and get some information on returning the first sweater I received, the mystery fabric color block sweater that was too small. was also no longer available. Something really fishy is afoot.

Finally, since we’re checking Trustscores, I checked the Trustscore for the website, the one with the cute clothes that stole the Lithuanian knitter/crocheter/embroiderers photographs and styles. The Trustscore for is 38%, a “low” rating.

I have added my own reviews to these websites’ reviews on I hope it will help others avoid being scammed.

Here’s the follow-up to my saga with my order from

mauve-heather rolled neck, sleeve & bottom cashmere sweater from Chinese retailer

Much to my surprise, I received another package in the mail from (though there was no branding or marketing materials that identified anywhere on or in the package). This time, the plastic mailing envelope came from Kentucky rather than China. Inside the envelope was a cellophane bag with a mauve-heather (though in my photos it looks brown) cashmere sweater with rolled neck, sleeves and bottom inside. Although the color was not the same as pictures on the website (I thought I ordered a pink rose shade), the color was acceptable. The quality of the cashmere was good (from Menca sheep – whichever sheep those are), similar to the cashmere sweater that I bought on sale at Lord & Taylor.

hang tag on Chinese cashmere sweater that identifies "Menca Sheep"

The size medium that I ordered was again a little snug. I guess if you plan to order from Chinese retailers (rather than American retailers who make their goods in China), order up a size. Since I can’t exchange the sweater for a large, I will make do with the medium. In fact, I wore it tonight, and it was attractive and comfortable. Maybe I can lose a few pounds (I certainly could stand to!).

Although the hang tag was primarily in Chinese, there was some English and international care signs that I’m not quite sure I have figured out, but it may be saying it’s hand washable. BTW, the price 1999 Chinese yuan is equivalent to $288.18, lol.

back of hangtag on Chinese cashmere sweater w care instructions and other info

So I am relieved that, the website that no longer exists, at least sent me two sweaters, though only one is cashmere, one is a different color from what I ordered, the other is a different style from what I thought I ordered, and both are a little small on me. Lesson learned.


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  1. Nice to know about the sites. We do tend to buy things on the internet “trusting” that all is what it appears to be. Yikes!

    1. The site is something I’ll be using often, though I should probably just stick to TJs, Marshalls, Macys, & Garnet Hill. This has taught me a lesson

  2. I too am glad that you did at least receive two sweaters, though I’m sorry about the ordeal as a whole. The entire thing sounds very strange indeed. And that second sweater is a very pretty colour.

    I’m gonna take a stab at the label and say: hand wash, no bleach, medium-ish iron, dry…..flat?, and no tumble dryer. I think. Boxy things are usually drying and I know that the circle-in-square is a dryer, which should be a no-no for a cashmere sweater, so it would make some form of sense if that were crossed out and so the other said dry flat… I get that the laundry hieroglyphics have a purpose but really how is anyone supposed to know or consistently remember that a triangle is, say, the universal symbol for bleach?

    1. Rachel, as always, you’re a genius! I got the hand wash, medium iron but I didn’t know the triangle was bleach and I had no idea about drying flat and tumble dryer. Thank you so much!

      I’m glad that I at least got 2 sweaters out of the deal, though I will probably give away the beige/sage one or just wear it around the house. I do like the mauve-heather shade too; in fact, it was probably a better choice than pink/rose!

      PS I still haven’t gotten to the post office though I have managed to get it in a box. I’ll let u know when it’s heading your way 😉

  3. What an ordeal this has been. It’s great to know that there are websites out there that can help navigate this seemingly endless terrain of e-tailers!
    Lola Seicento recently posted…Saints & Sinners Medusa Divine Curl CreamMy Profile

    1. I had never heard of a helpful website like Very helpful!

  4. Thanks for the information so that I don’t end up ordering wrong. This second sweater is nice, can’t say the same for the first. I’m sorry that you were burnt overall though.
    MarciaF recently posted…Join the MAKEUP REVOLUTION with their Reloaded eyeshadow palettes and enter to win oneMy Profile

    1. Thanks, Marcia. I agree 🙁 Glad I found, and I added reviews of each of those weird websites

  5. gloria patterson says:

    Don’t forget to keep your eye on your paypal, charge card what ever……….

    1. The good thing about PayPal, Gloria, is that you have to approve every single transaction!

      Your package is on its way 🙂

  6. Something to remember for next year–Macy’s has cashmere sweaters on sale all through December and they are good quality.
    Cindy Ingalls recently posted…City Beauty MicroBiome Night Mask!My Profile

    1. Allison says:

      I went to Macy’s in December to look at their cashmere sweaters, but i came away empty handed. The cashmere was on the thin side, and I wasn’t crazy about the colors or style. But you can be sure I’ll be back next year to check Macy’s again. I just bought a 2nd one at Land’s End in another color because the cashmere is thicker, the bell sleeve style is so nice & they come in petite sizes.

  7. I didn’t know that that there was a site where you could look up other sites trustworthiness. I’m going to have to bookmark that, although in all honesty I usually only order from places like Sephora, Ulta, Beautylish, Torrid, Chewy, and Amazon because we can’t afford to be out money at the moment. I wonder what it gives Wish lol
    Cassie Tucker recently posted…MAC Waterweight SPF 30 FoundationMy Profile

    1. What is Wish, Cassie? I used to use a shave cream that I thought came from that brand name, and it was definitely legit.

  8. No no no, that wish is amazing. There’s a site that sells a bunch of things like nail art tools, beauty products, etc but also some really weird stuff called Wish. Next time their advertisements come across on Facebook I’ll tag you.
    Cassie Tucker recently posted…Night Owl Lacquer Snowy Owl Nail PolishMy Profile

    1. Oh, please do tag me, Cassie, when you see the Wish you are referring to!

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