bottle of Zoya "Briar" nail polish, a red terra-cotta cream polish

Zoya “Briar” Professional Lacquer & Giveaway Winner Announcement

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Giveaway Winner!

First things first. The winner of the most recent 7th Heaven Peel-Off Mask giveaway is Gabrielle L. Congratulations! And to everyone who entered, thank you xoxo Since many of us are heeding the Covid-19 warnings and staying home or at least going out less often, now’s the time for at-home spa days. I strongly recommend the masks from 7th Heaven. They’re fun colors, they are very affordable, and they’re effective!

I have more giveaways to come, but I am going to pause them for a little while till the Coronavirus situation settles down. I hope the post office will remain open, but I’m not eager to stand in line there (if there is a line these days). Hope you understand.

Zoya Briar

Right after the holidays, Zoya had a sale where you paid $15 for shipping, and you got 4 free polishes. Briar was one of the shades I bought. Alicia (reviewed here) and Joss (reviewed here were two of the 4 I bought.

bottle of Zoya "Briar" nail polish, a red terra-cotta cream polish

I’ve been waiting for my thumbnail to regrow before I tried this one. Because we had the warmest winter on record in Boston, my nails did very well this winter. Warmer temperatures and daily biotin did the trick.

the label of Zoya Nail Polish, shade Briar

Briar is a lovely shade. The Zoya website describes it as a warm red-toned opaque terra-cotta cream. I would have called it a red-mauve, but no matter. I absolutely love it. (Oops, I thought I did a better clean up job than I did. Guess I need those readers to see closeup after all!)

I wish Zoya would switch over to all wide brushes. I used the skinny brush that came with it, but I will search my stash for one of the new brushes for the next time I use it.

Briar covered completely in two coats. It was easy to use. It dried surprisingly quickly.

Zoya is currently 10-free (toxin-free) and cruelty-free. $10 is the regular price.

I applied Briar over my old standby Morgan Taylor React Extended Wear Base Coat, and I finished it off with CND Vinylux Long Wear Topcoat.

bottle of CND Vinylux Long Wear Top Coat

I bought the CND topcoat recently, and this was only the second time I used it. I love it: smooth, nice wide brush, and quick drying. On top of another Zoya cream polish a couple of weeks ago, my mani lasted a week except for my left index finger and thumb, two fingers I, as a lefty, use most often. With all the hand washing these days, however, I don’t expect anything to last very long! But better safe than sorry.

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  1. Kathleen Warren says:

    Last week, Zoya had a falsh sale – 79% off with $6.95 shipping. Was a good time to go wild.

    1. Ah, yes, I heard about the sale! And now, I understand your second comment, lol. What did you buy? I still haven’t used a bunch of polishes I bought over the past year, and I just bought at the PPU so I restrained myself on this most recent sale.

  2. Kathleen Warren says:

    flash and 70% off – need to proofread

    1. Hi Kathleen, since I had my cataract surgery, I have a harder time seeing the computer screen sometimes. I’ve gotta get used to keeping a pair of readers around when I proofread. Nevertheless, I couldn’t see an error that I may have missed other than moving a modifying phrase (as a lefty) which I just did. I didn’t buy these during Zoya’s recent 70% off sale. I bought them during the post-Christmas sale where you paid $15 for shipping and got 4 “free” polishes. Did you shop the 70% off sale recently?

  3. Sandy Pincombe says:

    I was using CND products up until fall and liked them except my nails were beginning to look pretty bad. At Christmas my niece introduced me to Color Street which is real nail polish strips. I love them and even when I remove them my nails are still in good shape.

    1. Wow, that’s really interesting, Sandy. Would you say that the CND products were drying out your nails?

      I have heard about real nail polish strips, but I’ve never tried them. I will go online and check out Color Street, just out of curiosity! As I mentioned, my nails are in amazingly good shape this late winter. No complaints about that from me! Hope you’re doing OK hanging around the house!

  4. Gabrielle says:

    Thank you again! I am so excited about my masks!!!

  5. Pretty color of Zoya. I am missing getting my nails done weekly while this virus is going around.
    MarciaF recently posted…Massive curls and flexible hold with Saints & SinnersMy Profile

    1. I can imagine, Marcia. I bought a Groupon to try a new salon near Jeff’s house, but now it looks unlikely that I’ll get to use it, boo.

  6. Kathryne says:

    I like Zoya, I should subscribe to their newsletter so I’d be informed of their flash sale

    1. I should too, Kathryne! They just had a 70% off sale last week that I didn’t know about till too late

  7. Briar is such a pretty shade! Wow, that was an amazing sale!

    1. Yes, Zoya has such terrific sales!

  8. This is a very pretty shade. I just now factor the cost of a wide brush into the cost of the polish and purchase a brush with the polish and then replace the skinny with the wide when it comes in. After using KL Polish/Lights Lacquer’s wide brush the skinny brushes just aren’t for me so I switch them out when I can.
    Cassie Tucker recently posted…Ouai Shampoo and Conditioner for Medium HairMy Profile

    1. I have a bunch of the wide brushes in my stash that I forgot about, but you are wise to figure the cost into the price. I don’t get why they don’t just change over. I don’t know anyone who say, Oh, I love those skinny brushes

      1. They actually did a poll, I can’t remember if it was on Instastories or their site, on whether people wanted them to switch over to the wide brushes or keep the skinny and people be responsible for purchasing the wide if they want them. People voted for keeping skinny.
        Cassie Tucker recently posted…Ouai Shampoo and Conditioner for Medium HairMy Profile

        1. Yes, I remember that survey. They said it ended up being 50:50. So they took the path of least resistance and kept things status quo and charged those of us who prefer the wide brush – which is more or less the way the industry is going

  9. That’s a lovely color on you!
    Courtney recently posted…Open the Cellar Door Gothic JewelryMy Profile

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