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Weekly Roundups

Fashion Flash Fun Diversions during the Crisis

In Massachusetts, we are encouraged to stay home although social distancing is still the mantra for now. I only go out to the supermarket once a week or to pick up medications at the drugstore when necessary. I am lucky that I can work in my gardens when the weather is nice. I’ve been raking out my gardens of the leaves that fell last fall. Surprisingly, spring is about a month early in the Boston area. And a lot of plants are pushing their way up much sooner than usual. We’re having a light dusting of snow that will turn to rain, so I hope the little plants will make it.

To get some exercise and fresh air, Jeff and I went for a hike in the woods on Saturday, and on Sunday, I went for a jog in my neighborhood. There were more people than I expected on wooded trails that are usually empty. But overall, people around here are taking the crisis seriously, and downtown streets are empty.

A close friend of mine has gotten the virus, and he has had it for a week already with all the classic symptoms. Yesterday, he took a few minutes to communicate with his friends on Facebook to tell them what he was going through. I am hoping every minute that he will get well soon.

I hope that you are faring well and handling being at home more than most of us are used to. Now is the perfect opportunity to do all the things in the house that you’ve been putting off or didn’t have the time to get to, right?

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This week’s Fashion Flash is hosted by the lovely Inka of Glamour Granny Travels. Sadly, Inka isn’t doing any traveling now. She’s hunkering down in her home in a seaside town in Spain where everyone is required to stay indoors except to get groceries. So she’s been thinking up fun diversions that she will share with you. Here are some of the other articles that will help you pass the time!

  • how to put together spring outfits that will help you enjoy the warm weather
  • how and why to eat the rainbow
  • where to find chic reading glasses
  • an anti-aging cream to firm neck and jawline
  • learn healthier habits that will strengthen your immune system
  • learn about Madam C.J. Walker, American entrepreneur, philanthropist, political, social activist and the first female self-made millionaire in America (and then watch the new series about her life on Netflix!)
  • a beauty subscription that you would love to receive
  • art of healing and hope

So click on over to Glamour Granny Travels and lose yourself in these fun and fascinating posts. And take care, be well xoxo

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