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Weekly Roundups

Fashion Flash Spring ’21 Edition

It really has been feeling like spring in the Boston area. We have had lovely weather in the 50s and even low 60s over the past few days. Snowdrops and crocuses are up, my hellebores are in bloom, and daffodils are starting to come up. I spent this afternoon raking the oak leaves out of my back border garden because some perennials are beginning to come to life.

I called AAA today to come over and jump start my ancient 1991 Miata that has had a dead battery in my garage for the past few months. To my absolute delight, once he jumped the battery, the car turned right over. So I headed out for a long drive to charge the battery. It was too cold for me to put down the top, but it still felt great to be tooling around on a sunny day in my old convertible.

I hope it feels like spring where you live. And I hope you’ll click over and take a look at the Welcome Spring edition of Fashion Flash, hosted this week by the sweetest of the sweet Angie from Your True Self Blog.

This week’s Fashion Flash includes the link to my #StyleYourMask giveaway to promote creative mask wearing and Dr. Neil Schacter’s new chapter on COVID added to his layman’s resource book, The Good Doctor’s Guide to Colds & Flu. The prizes are $100 Amazon Gift Card and a makeup bundle. Please enter if you haven’t already!

Here are the other entries this week:

  • a recipe for oven roasted spring radishes for radish-lovers like me!
  • a conversation with renowned dermatologists on changes that occur during menopause (dry skin, wrinkles, thinning hair etc.) and what you can do about it. The free discussion is Wednesday, March 24. Click over to FF find out the details.
  • check out the Sunday Scoop for a loooooong list of current giveaways to enter!
  • learn about an important beauty innovator during Women’s History Month
  • check out the details on a new book on decluttering called PopUpPurge!
  • get tips on exercising with asthma
  • how to style versatile yoga pants

So that’s it. Click over to Your True Self blog to follow your interests on Fashion Flash! Have a good week!




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  1. gloria patterson says:

    Sounds like you had a good time discovering flowers that were starting to come up. Love AAA have been using them for over 30+ year. The times I have needed them have more then paid for all the yearly membership. Get in your little car put down the top down and turn the heat on high.

    1. I agree with you, Gloria, about AAA. I became a member when I bought my little Miata back in 1993, and yes indeed, it has more than paid for itself. It’s supposed to be really warm here on Friday, so that might be my “top down” day. Hope spring has already sprung in WV!

  2. Sandra Pincombe says:

    Love that you were able to do some yard work. Also that you could take a drive in your little sports car. Both have to be uplifting as all of this is true sign of spring.

    1. Me, too, Sandy. It was great to get a jump on the season! Also, I get my second covid shot tomorrow, so I wanted to do some raking in case I have to take a couple of days off. Has spring come to MI yet?

  3. Hi, Allison – Thanks for the beautiful Fashion Flash post for this week’s linkup! I hope the giveaway does well. I’m so glad your special car took you out into a sunny, Spring day. The happiness of that experience is very healthy. Here’s to the flowers of the season – Angie,
    Angie recently posted…New Book Shows Midlife Women How to Declutter for ClarityMy Profile

    1. Thank you so much, Angie. You always do such a great job with your own posts and with Fashion Flash. It was fun to go out in my ancient Miata. And thank you for reminding me that I better start it up tomorrow before the tiny little battery conks out again! Hope you’re having a nice weekend xoxo

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