Weekly Roundups

Mid-April Beauty Spotlight Team Weekly Roundup

On Friday, April 16, I woke up to 3 inches of heavy, wet snow. I couldn’t believe it when I saw the roof of the house next door covered in white. The poor daffodils were bent under the snow, and the early azaleas tried to peek out from under their thick white coating. The sidewalk, road and the driveway were a sloppy mess. My car parked outdoors in Jeff’s driveway was completely covered in snow. Ugh.

To add insult to injury, Friday was my birthday. I had been so happy about the early spring this year that brought flowers and even tiny leaves on the trees for my birthday. Instead of a warm, sunny day, the snow was an unwanted gift.

I double-masked and took the subway into Boston for my hair appointment at Sassoon. In Boston, the snow had turned to rain, and most of the snow had melted. I was happy to learn that all of the folks who work at Sassoon Boston had gotten vaccinated. Now I felt safer, and I am sure that they, who have been exposed to their clients since the end of May with only masks to protect them, feel much more confident. It was amazing that none of the employees at Sassoon Boston got sick. Thank goodness.

For my birthday, Jeff took me to a lovely French restaurant near the Public Garden in Boston, Bistro du Midi. We both got dressed up for the occasion (in our winter clothes).

Perhaps because of the bad weather or because people are still not venturing out like before the pandemic, we got a parking spot right in front of the restaurant. Since it was raining hard and we didn’t want to have to walk to far in the bad weather, we considered ourselves very lucky.

It was the first time we had eaten indoors at a restaurant since February 2020. What a treat! The restaurant did an excellent job placing the tables far apart. We were seated in an area where there was only one other table, and it was about 10 feet from us. The food was fabulous, and we had a lovely time. 

Jeff bought me a beautiful and delicious birthday cake. It is too big for just the two of us. We really need some friends to help us eat it, but I think we’ll end up freezing at least half of it to eat in the future. Jeff made me a fantastic card to mark the occasion. He’s very creative as well as thoughtful. My gift, a cordless electric chainsaw arrived on time. We can hardly wait till the weather clears up and the wood dries out so we can try it!

I hope you had a good weekend, too!

Now, on to our smallish weekly roundup from some of the members of the Beauty Spotlight Team.

Beauty Spotlight Team 1

Because of her dry skin, Allison from Never Say Die Beauty normally passes on skincare products with charcoal. But cruelty-free Lumity Nutrient Rich Skin Saviour 4-in-1 Cleanse, a rich black charcoal cream that cleanses, removes makeup, exfoliates, and hydrates has made a convert out of her!

Red Eyed Lacquer created a Villains Quad inspired by those Disney villains we love to hate.  Kristi over at BeginNails has swatches!  

Lola’s Secret Beauty Blog just reviewed Erno Laszlo’s AHA Resurfacing Sleep Serum, and couldn’t be more impressed. This exfoliating serum is very gentle, effective, and it causes no irritation to the skin.

In your 30’s you are going to start to see the signs of aging. So, make sure you are finding the time to address these issues, with these tips to the best skincare tips for those in their 30s from Barbie’s Beauty Bits.

Prime Beauty has found an eyeshadow palette that takes her breath away. Once you see the By Terry V.I.P. Expert Paris Mon Amour you’ll feel the same way.



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  1. Kim A says:

    I’m so sorry the weather was nasty on your birthday! But I’m glad you got to eat out (inside!), and you looked fabulous! I love your gold eyeshadow. Here’s to warmer, sunnier weather ahead!

    1. Thank you, Kim! It was a good day. Yes, let’s hope the weather warms up soon!

  2. Gabrielle says:

    I’m so glad you had a birthday dinner out. Yay!!!!

    1. Gabrielle, thank you. Going to a restaurant and not having to freeze while eating outdoors was a treat indeed. Have you had any luck getting a vaccine appt yet?

  3. gloria patterson says:

    You got a late Easter snow! Around here we don’t think winter is over till we get the Easter snow before or after. Ours was just a blowing dusting so we got lucky. Glad you had a great birthday anyway and you got to wear that beautiful hat!

    1. Thank you! And my hat is definitely showing its age, like me, but I still love it anyway. It’s funny, Gloria, I was almost personally insulted when I woke up to that snow storm, lol! It melted, thank goodness, and the daffodils have perked up again.

  4. Gabrielle says:

    Happy Birthday! Oh, and yes, I got my first shot last Monday!

    1. Allison says:

      So glad to hear that good news! Yay!

  5. Kim Pincombe-Cole says:

    Happy Birthday!!

    1. Thank you, Kim!

  6. Happy birthday! It’s my son’s birth month too

    1. Thank you, and Happy Birthday to your son!

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