
Spending the Day with my Friend from High School and Her Horses

Today, a group of my high school friends who worked with me on our school literary magazine back in the day got together at the home of Pat and her husband who live just over the New Hampshire border. My friend Shelly who lives in Connecticut organized the event since she was in our hometown to family and friends. 

The autumn weather was absolutely glorious: bright sunshine and warm temperatures. The foliage is getting more and more colorful especially as we drove north.

Over the past more than 20 years, Pat and her husband showed their Belgian draft horses and beautiful rigs, antique and new, at competitions and county fairs all over New England. They won so many ribbons and trophies that my jaw dropped when I saw them on display in the office in their barn. They and their horses participated in local parades, and gave kids rides at local events. But one of their horses died, and they sold the others at the start of the pandemic.

A couple of weeks ago, Pat and Vinny bought a new pair of Belgian draft horses.

They invited us to visit, meet the new horses (that’s Barney in the photo above and below), and go for a ride in one of their beautiful carts.

Barney and Bob, the new horses, were sweet tempered and very cooperative.

We got into the cart and went for a ride along the country roads in their neighborhood.

It was so much fun and so relaxing to ride down the road at a slow pace. Many of the cars and trucks that passed us stopped to take photos of the horses and rig plodding along the country road. 

In the afternoon, we got caught up with each other over Pat’s yummy apple and lemon cakes, discussing how we spent the past year and a half during the pandemic. Then we went out to the paddock to hang out with the horses and enjoy her beautiful backyard and property.

So instead of a review, I thought I’d share some of my photos of the lovely day!


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  1. Hi, Allison – It’s always fascinating to see bloggers sharing their experiences. This special get-together with friends of a lifetime is definitely a worthy subject. The horses are so beautiful! We don’t have the fall colors here in Detroit yet. The weather has still been in the 73-82 degree (F) range this October. I’m still hoping to take a drive this coming weekend, though, to the Metropark where the colors usually peak at this time. Your photos are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing this personal glimpse into your private life with your readers and friends – Angie, http://www.yourtrueselfblog.com

    1. Thank you so much, Angie! Like I said to one of my subscribers, I am never sure if they enjoy those posts or not. But I think product reviews can get quite repetitive after a while. I’m glad you plan to drive to see the foliage in MI. We’re heading further north this weekend too, though the weather isn’t supposed to be great. We just need a change of scenery xoxo

  2. Denise says:

    Such beautiful pictures! Thank you for taking the time to share your day with us.

    1. Thank you so much, Denise, for taking the time to let me know you enjoyed my “personal” post today. I am never sure if readers enjoy stuff like this, but on the other hand, it probably gets a little dull with just product reviews. Jeff and I are off to Portland ME for a couple of nights this weekend. It’s the first trip we have done in two years, so even though the weather isn’t supposed to be great like it was this week, it will be fun to get a change of scenery. It’s only an hour and a half drive, but it seems like a world away to me. I hope you might enjoy seeing those pix next week! Thanks again xoxo

  3. Sandy Pincombe says:

    Allison, I also enjoyed your posting about your day. I love to hear about people’s excursions. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thank you, Sandy, for letting me know. I am never sure about these personal posts. I didn’t show the pix of my high school girlfriends, but nature and the horses were hopefully good enough. Jeff and I are going to Portland Maine for the weekend, our first trip in two years! I should have some pix of that trip next week 🙂 Hope you have a good weekend!

  4. This is simply amazing and spirit lifting! What a fantastic way for you to spend the day!
    Lola Seicento recently posted…Derma E Nourish + Glow Skin Illuminators: Pink & Gold and Coral & GoldMy Profile

    1. Thank you! You nailed it: it was definitely “spirit lifting” for me!

  5. How delightful. We need to make new fun and this certainly leads the way. No crowds, lots of nature and people who are interesting.

    1. Thank you, Marcia, for taking the time to comment. Yes, and I hadn’t seen these high school friends in more than two years. And before that, I hadn’t seen most of them since graduation!

  6. What special experience for you to enjoy. Not everyone knows people with such beautiful creatures in their backyard. Your friend lives in such a lovely spot and I reveled in the fall colors. Horses have their own wisdom, so it is fun and therapy rolled into one.

    1. Mary, thank you so much for your comment on my high school reunion amongst the sweet horses day last week! Honestly, it was such a calming, relaxing day. The foliage was so beautiful on the New Hampshire border, much more advanced than where I live. And I got to see a flock of bluebirds! I saw one bluebird in my driveway about 10 years ago, but after once being plentiful here, they are now nonexistent. So it was a great way all around! Hope you’re having some nice autumn experiences too xo

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