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Quick Before the Power Goes Out!

So fascinating. Just about one year ago today, we had a big storm with snow on October 30. The trees still had their leaves so the storm and the weight of the snow brought down a big limb on one of my Bradford pear trees. It landed on my lawn as you can see in the photo above. The limb was so big, it also fell into the street blocking traffic. Ugh.

We’re having a Nor’easter today, tonight (October 26) and part of tomorrow. It’s been raining for several hours. The wind is howling, and my power, cable and phone lines keep going out, but thankfully so far, coming back a few minutes later. I think the wind gusts are in the 50 mph range now, but they’re going to increase from midnight till 4 or 5am. I truly hope I don’t have a repeat performance of last year with damage to my trees that could fall on my house.

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Though I had planned to write a review today, I don’t think I will make it through before the power goes out again. So instead, don’t forget to enter my new giveaway for Pumpkin & Spice Pumpkin Spice Exfoliator Scrub that runs through next Monday.

outer box for new City Beauty Beyond Mascara

Also, if you’re a fan of City Beauty Beyond Mascara Volumizing Treatment, a volumizing mascara with a big fluffy wand that also conditions lashes and helps them grow, it is finally back in stock (my original review is here). And to celebrate, it’s buy one get one for two days only, October 27-28 with the code LASH50. You have to buy two to get the deal.

hourglass shaped bristle wand for City Beauty Beyond Mascara

So I am signing off before the storm signs me off! Hope things are quiet where you are. 🙂


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  1. gloria patterson says:

    I just read a email about the storm up your way and though about you. Then your email was next 🙂 Hope it settled down and you got to keep your power on.

    1. Thank you, Gloria! I did lose my power. It went out at 2:30am, and it came back on last night at 8pm. The wind was really howling. I thought it was going to take the wood boards on my house right off, but it didn’t. And I was lucky that the trees didn’t lose any big limbs, and nothing fell on my house. Whew! The storm or something must also have affected my blog, though I don’t know how that was possible. The post that was sent out this morning was supposed to be delivered yesterday morning. And someone told me yesterday that my blog wouldn’t load. Oh well, not a tragedy! All’s well. Hope all’s well with you, too xo

  2. MarciaF says:

    I’m glad you are safe from the storm.

    1. Thank you, Marcia. In spite of the 70+mph wind gusts, my house and yard lucked out! Nothing major was damaged, and no big limbs on the trees in my lawn area came down. Yay! The power came back on last night at 8pm, so it was only out for 18 hours. I am just assuming that none of the food in my fridge and freezer went bad since I didn’t open the door. 🙂

  3. Hi, Allison – So sorry about the terrible Nor’easter and so glad everything worked out for you! Have you inspected the trees around you to make sure any old, sick or dying ones get trimmed or cut? I’m planning to go to the nursery this weekend to buy treatments for our tree’s disease to nurse it back to health. Thanks for sharing these wonderful deals! – Angie,

    1. Trugreen takes care of the trees in the tended part of my yard, but the Bradford pear trees are weak trees. If I had known that, I wouldn’t have bought them 19 years ago. But they are pretty trees especially in the early spring, even though they have lost limbs over the years. Parts of my yard are in the woods, and there are just too many trees back there to treat. Unfortunately, woolly adelgid has killed all of the hemlocks that are too far into the woods for Trugreen to reach with horticultural oil, and that makes me sad. Surprisingly, even though the winds were gusting into the 70s, only leaves and lots of small branches are now littering my lawn! I hope your trees responds to the treatment!

  4. Gabrielle says:

    Hope you guys are okay! Yikes! Storms can be scary!

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