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Crocheted Vintage Look Infinity Scarf

I learned how to crochet when I was 17 at camp. I crocheted from time to time in college, and then pretty much stopped for more than 20 years. A few years ago, I took it up again. I’ve been making hats, ponchos, shawls, scarves, and even a couple of sweaters. Crocheting takes a lot of yarn because it is basically a series of knots, so I’m limited as to the kinds of yarn that I can use — the inexpensive ones!

Also, because it’s knots, a lot of crochet garments are heavy. So I need to learn how to knit. But I’m a lefty, and I have a hard time with knitting. I get so nervous and my stitches are so tight that I can’t get them off the needles. Oh well, I’ll try again one of these days. I need to find a new knitting teacher: a very patient lefty.

In the meantime, I look for crochet patterns that use different stitches and different yarn weights to mix things up. Last spring, I found a beautiful pattern from Red Heart for a lacy infinity scarf that alternated blocks of shells with blocks of mesh (Red Heart pattern LW2516). It called for a very lightweight yarn, #1 super fine called Stardust, a pastel with a silver thread glinting throughout. It’s 70% superwash wool, 20% nylon, and 5% other fibers – whatever that means. It’s nice and soft.


Since I started the blog, I don’t have as much time to crochet as I used to. So it took me about 6 months to finish this infinity scarf because I took the entire summer off from crocheting. Well, I just finished it in time for the cold weather. Although this is lightweight yarn, looping it around my neck makes the scarf just warm enough and perfect for wearing indoors.


Though the pattern is rated “intermediate”, it is not difficult. The stitches are shells made from triple crochets, and double crochets make up the mesh. Also, there are single and half double crochets used throughout.


The only hard part is that there are lots of pattern repeats and a lot of counting rows. You have to keep count in the margins of the pattern, if you don’t want to get lost. If you’re a really quick crocheter, you might be able to whip one up before Christmas!

I really love the vintage look of this scarf. What do you think? Have you ever tried crochet? Do you have a favorite crochet pattern you’d like to share?

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  1. This is so adorable, worth wearing, and since you have made it on your own, its all the more good
    beautycareforwomen recently posted…Icy Lip Luster- The Perfect Beauty Stocking from PixiMy Profile

    1. Allison says:

      Thank you, beautycareforwomen! I love crocheting, and this was a fun pattern to work up. Now that it’s chilly, I’ll be wearing it a lot 🙂

  2. Nicely done! I can’t knit or crochet to save my life. My mom tried to teach me but it was hopeless. I guess I don’t have the fine dexterity in my hands.

    MonicaP recently posted…Dress up the weekendMy Profile

    1. Allison says:

      And I can’t knit after several attempts lol. I guess we all have our own talents, whatever they may be 😉

  3. I “sort of” tried to crochet several years ago. I didn’t get the hang of it and gave up. Your scarf looks absolutely beautiful!!
    Tina @ My Highest Self recently posted…Bobbi Brown, Arganesse Giveaway and More from The Beauty Blog Coalition 11/24/13My Profile

    1. Allison says:

      Thanks a lot, Tina! I wish I had learned to knit when I learned to crochet. Now, I find it impossible!

  4. Love it! I can’t crochet or knit .. my mom tried to teach me .. it was hopeless .. lol. I don’t think my hands are meant for such delicate work 😛

    MonicaP recently posted…Outlet Shopping FindsMy Profile

    1. That’s funny, Monica. I learned to crochet at camp when I was 16 and I thought myself all the stitches I now know. But I’d love to learn to knit. But somehow have to use 2 hands is beyond my spatial skills, lol, so I know what you’re saying. Crocheting with laceweight yarn isn’t easy, and it must be done in bright light! I actually made two of these scarves, another in a wintry combo of shades with black as a background.

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