Beauty Tools, Hair, Product Spotlight

OOOH, Mounia Scalp Massager is what you need in your life

Is there anything more relaxing than getting a scalp massage when our hair is being washed in a salon? I just want to lean back and stay there. I’ve been out of the loop though for a very long time, I wonder if my hairdresser will even recognize me with all this gray and uncut hair. As much as I miss that pampering, I have it at home though with the Mounia scalp massager. This pink massager is giving me those positive vibes I get when I have someone else wash and massage my head of hair.

PR sample

Mounia is a company that based its name on the word that means “a wish granted”. They want all of their products to make you feel like your hair is not only cleansed and moisturized but is also protected and revived.

The Mounia scalp massager helps with that by reviving your hair and scalp. It helps to ease tension, reduce product build-up while nourishing your scalp. It nourishes by increasing the blood flow to your scalp.

When I had broken wrists (twice this year!) my husband had to wash my hair for me and he gave me a great massage each time. When I was able to do my hair myself I really missed that sensation and the after effect – but then Mounia came into my life giving me back that great experience.

The pink “fingers” are soft yet firm. My hair is just below my shoulders and I use the scalp massager to help distribute my shampoo or conditioner through my hair after I’ve sudsed up. Then when rinsing I use it to smooth my hair and keep it straight. It feels like I’m doing myself a favor when I use this. Not only am I getting the most out of my hair products but I’m doing something special for my scalp. I don’t use a lot of extra product in my hair but I do use some and it gets removed with my Mounia scalp massager.

I’m in the midst of trying to regrow hair that I lost during my recent traumas. With this Mounia scalp massager I’m freeing my scalp from any blockage from product use and encouraging new hair cells to be healthy.

Mounia was created by two brothers who have traveled extensively throughout Morocco since childhood.  On a trip to the foot of the Atlas Mountains, the duo befriended several members of the Berber tribe, famous for their beautiful, luxuriant locks. Determined to discover the centuries-old secrets to having healthy, gorgeous hair even in the harshest desert conditions, they put in years of on-site research and exploration to find the right combination of native Berber ingredients. Then they partnered with scientists from Harvard and MIT to enhance the performance of these ingredients with modern technology and high-end cosmetic formulations. 

The products that Mounia has created sound wonderful and ones I’d love to try if the Scalp Massager is an example of the line. The Scalp Massager is $18 but it also comes free with some of the systems that Mounia sells.


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  1. Allison says:

    I have one from a different brand, and I enjoy using it. I need to get in the habit of using it even more often

    1. I have one from a different brand too but this Mounia makes me much happier. I told my husband he can have my old one if he wants it since I’m just using Mounia.
      Marcia recently posted…Deep Discount on FOREO from LookfantasticMy Profile

  2. Hi, Marcia – I love my scalp massager as well! It’s a great addition to a hair routine for growth as well as pleasure. Thanks for sharing info about a new hair product line I hadn’t heard of – Angie,
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    1. Angie, whenever I get sick I end up with a lot of hair loss so this has been a boon to me because it’s helping with my scalp.
      Marcia recently posted…Deep Discount on FOREO from LookfantasticMy Profile

  3. Gabrielle says:

    I really need to try this.

    1. Thanks for reading and commenting Gabrielle. I am so happy to have this residing in my shower.
      Marcia recently posted…Deep Discount on FOREO from LookfantasticMy Profile

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