Sale Alerts

Halloween Aftermath & Sephora VIB Sale Reminder

Halloween Aftermath

In my neighborhood, Halloween used to be a big deal. A honking big deal. I live in a neighborhood with 60+ houses. When we all first moved in 20 years ago, there were a million little kids. On a typical Halloween night, we would usually get anywhere from 150-250 kids. People would drive their kids to our neighborhood for them to Trick or Treat on our safe streets. Plus, the college kids from Gordon College down the road would dress up (sort of) and go door to door to get free candy.

Now, the original neighborhood kids have grown up and left home. But we have some new neighbors with young children. And I assumed that parents from other neighborhoods would still drive their kids here, and the college kids would still show up for free treats. Right?

Last week’s forecast for tonight called for rain. I thought with the 4 bags of fun size candy and the huge bag of candy that I bought at Costco, I would be all set. But the forecast changed. The weather on Halloween was warm, mostly sunny and perfect weather for Trick or Treating. I was concerned that the number of Trick or Treaters might reach pre-COVID numbers. I stopped at CVS and bought 4 more bags of candy, hoping that might be enough.

As I finished my late afternoon jog around 4:30pm, I passed a young family all in costume. I told them how great they looked and asked if the festivities in the ‘hood were starting already. I couldn’t hear their response.

I went home and started to put candy into my sparkly Halloween serving pumpkin. In years past, the littlest kids would usually start arriving at 5:30. This year, nothing. A few minutes after 6pm, the doorbell rang. The first group of little kids, in the 4-6 age group. Several groups of other kids under 7 years of age stopped by. I kept waiting to eat dinner because I thought I would be interrupted. I needn’t have worried. Quiet.

From 7-7:30, I think one little girl, an adorable 4 year old Monarch butterfly, who was a new neighbor stopped by. And that was it. 

About 8:10pm, while I was talking to Jeff on the phone, there was a knock on the door. It was 7 young women from Gordon College, some of whom were wearing costumes and others who didn’t bother. I told them to help themselves, since I had so much candy left.

Altogether, probably 25-30 kids came to my door. Most of the kids were under 7. I bought waaaaay too much candy. But more than having so much leftover candy, I missed seeing the kids. 😥

What was Halloween like in your neck o’ the woods this year? Did you go to any parties?

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Sephora VIB Sale Reminder

Also in years gone by, didn’t the Sephora VIB sale seem like a big deal? Now, not so much.

The autumn sale called The Holiday Sale Event actually started on October 28 and runs through November 7. Rouge members – those at the highest spending level – receive 20% off their purchases during the entire sale event. VIB members like me get 15% off from November 1-7. Insider members receive 10% off from November 3-7.

Sephora Collection 

Everyone is eligible to receive 30% off of Sephora Collection purchases with the code SAVINGS. There are some items from the Sephora Collection that I really like. My favorites are:

  • Sephora Cream Lip Stain Liquid Lip: Although the shades I own are metallics (and they don’t seem to have any now), I love the formula. I can’t usually wear liquid lipstick, but this Cream Lip Stain Liquid Lip from Sephora is terrific for me. The regular price is $15 for most shades (there are about 75 different shades). So with 30% off, they are priced at $10.50.) I’m eyeing #85 Rosewood now.
credit: Sephora
  • Sephora #LIPSTORIES Lipstick: The #LIPSTORIES Lipsticks come in 3 different finishes: Matte, Satin and Metallic. I own a couple of the Satin finish lipstick in red shades. I love ’em. There are 47 shades. The regular price is $9, and on sale, they’re $6.30. 
My Wish List

What’s on my list, you wonder? To be honest, I don’t NEED anything. I don’t really even want too much that’s at Sephora. Frankly, I can’t get excited about 15% off since I can usually get at least 20% off on other websites.

For instance, I would love the Tatcha Essence, but the 2 fl. oz. Tatcha Mini Essence is priced at $65. Even with 15% off that would bring it closer to $55 for 2 fl. oz., it’s still too expensive. 

What I am maybe considering picking up is a mini waterproof pencil from Benefit Brow that on sale would cost about $10. I need to stop by a Sephora store and check out the shades: either Neutral Blonde or Warm Auburn, not sure which. And that #85 Rosewood Cream Lip Stain from the Sephora Collection is on my mind for $10.

Another thing that I would love but don’t need is Charlotte Tilbury KISSING Lipstick, specifically her limited edition shade, Rosy Seduction, a gorgeous medium rosy pink.

credit: Charlotte Tilbury

But it’s not sold at Sephora, only on the Charlotte Tilbury website, and it’s not something I would pay full price for (it’s $37).

Do you have anything on your list to pick up during the Sephora sale? Have you tried anything you like from the Sephora Collection that would be worth buying during the sale?


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  1. Just placed my Sephora order… I got one of the mini eyebrow pencils too! What I’m really looking forward to is the new Bobbi Brown stick concealer, since my old Urban Decay favorite has been discontinued. But I agree, 15% off isn’t much of an incentive–the best part is having it apply across a wide variety of brands (at least that’s what I tell myself!).

    1. Allison says:

      I had intended to stop at the Sephora at Kohl’s when I was at Best Buy this afternoon, but my fridge hunting took so long, I ran out of steam. I need to look at the Benefit mini pencil shades in person and see if there’s anything else I can’t live without 😉 Plus now you’ve made me curious about the Bobbi Brown stick concealer!

  2. Before I moved to my condo I noticed that less and less kids came by my neighborhood. When my own sons were young we almost always ran out of candy because we had a kid friendly area but as they grew and homeowners got older it just wasn’t the same. Sometimes I’d even go to my neighbors houses on each side of me with a bag of candy I made up for them so I wouldn’t miss them. Now my grandchildren go in groups to areas in the city that have a lot of kids.
    Marcia recently posted…Halloween Aftermath & Sephora VIB Sale ReminderMy Profile

    1. Allison says:

      It’s odd, Marcia, coz we still have a lot of young kids in our ‘hood. I miss the old days of seeing all the kids dressed up, though I must say we had a few absolutely adorable ones this year still.

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