Weekly Roundups

Beauty Blogazons Weekly Roundup 14 April 2014

Hi Ladies,

It’s Saturday and time for another installment of Beauty Blogazons Weekly Roundup of beauty blogposts.

How was your week? What’s new with you?

My birthday was on Wednesday, and I decided to hold a birthday giveaway on Never Say Die Beauty. In case you missed it, I’m giving away an em Cosmetics Tokyo Plums Shadow Play Palette, a spring-y collection of peaches and purples. So I hope you’ll stop by and enter!

The Beauty Blogazons Weekly Roundup

  • My Newest Addiction Beauty Blog : Laura shows us her new favorite nail polish from Ciate London called Antique Brooch.
  • New World Beautiful: These four foreign beauty products have been on my wishlist for months! Check out my finds from Australia, Kenya, Japan, and France

Have a great holiday weekend!




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