Weekly Roundups

Weekend Beauty Blogazons Roundup 20 September 2014

This week just flew by. How ’bout for you?

It is so cold tonight (38 degrees) that I brought in the gerbera daisy plant that I have on the deck. Ugh! Please warm up tomorrow!! Is it this cold where you are?

Here are this week’s beauty blogposts from Beauty Blogazons including my face-of-the-day – my quick no-makeup makeup look – in case you missed it during the week. And why not enter the NeoCell Biotin Bursts or Hyaluronic Acid Blueberry Liquid giveaway on my blog if you haven’t already? It’s not too early to start getting your hair, nails and skin in shape for the holidays 😉

The Beauty Blogazons Weekly Roundup

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  1. Yes it was freezing here, but by Sunday we are looking at 79 degrees & humid! Arrgh. Xo Linda

    1. Actually, I can hardly wait, Linda! I’m hoping we’ll be able to go to the beach one last time 🙂

  2. Lisa Foster says:

    We are having the opposite problem in San Diego, it has been scorching hot, with temperatures over 100 for a number of days. I got up this morning to find that it will only be in the mid-80’s today, blessed relief! I love the warm weather here, but sometimes it is too much of a good thing.

    1. I’ve been reading and hearing about the insanely hot weather in southern California with the drought as well. I’m glad to hear that it’ll be cooler today for you. Thankfully, it is almost 70 here now, and it’s warmer outside than in the house 😉

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