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  1. I never thought about the DIY lip scrub – it is natural and works on other areas that need scrubbing also. Have you ever tried Elemis products?
    Suzy recently posted…How to Make Your Eye Lashes GrowMy Profile

    1. Allison says:

      Yes, you can use it elsewhere. I’m often a DIY kind of person. I am not familiar with Elemis products, but I see they are from the UK. Haven’t run into them in the States yet.

  2. Lori Leal says:

    I can’t find the link but would love to subscribe to your blog!

    So glad I found you, love this blog already 🙂 Thank you!!

    1. Is my face red!! How did I miss your kind comment on my blog, Never Say Die Beauty, Lori, that you made 2 YEARS AGO? My bad! I hope maybe you’ll come back and visit my blog, and decide to subscribe. There is a popup subscription box that should show up, and a signup box on the home page, or if you find you still interested and can’t signup yourself, let me know again and I’ll do it for you. I hope all’s well with you Lori, and a million apologies!

  3. Jennifer Lee says:

    I’m on mobile and can’t find the subscribe link, could you add me to your email recipients? I would love to subscribe to your blog!! Thank you so much!

    1. Jennifer, I added your name and email address to the subscriber list, but you will have to confirm the email that would will be sent to ensure that you want to subscribe. Without that, I could just enter everyone in the universe. So once you confirm the subscription, I’ll see that it’s added to the Rafflecopter. Thanks

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