Features, Product Spotlight

Remember Me? I’m Back for Now!

Jeff and I are back from Los Angeles. We had a stressful trip, but I think we managed to help Jeff’s sister get home from the hospital and re-settled in her second floor apartment after surgery and hospitalization for a couple of weeks. She is using a walker to get around after her spine surgery, and she will need transportation options to get to her medical appointments. We’re not exactly sure how she will get up and down the 18 steps, but hopefully, the drivers will be helpful and give her a hand.

Meanwhile, after she was discharged from the hospital, the discharge folks “forgot” to set up in-home care for her. Jeff and I helped her get connected to social workers et al who will be helping her do what she can’t do for herself right now.

It rained in Los Angeles for the first half of our visit, but fortunately where we were staying, the rain wasn’t as bad as predicted. Nevertheless, there were mudslides in the canyons that closed several of the roads. And a horse fell in a sinkhole up to her neck, but fortunately she was rescued by firemen, I think, without any serious injuries!

The second part of our trip was sunny and warm, mid-70s that felt like a real treat. We managed to go for a walk each day around West Hollywood to get a little bit of exercise. It was great to see flowers blooming and tall palm trees. Lovely!

We also made a very quick visit to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. I was thrilled because when I went to LA in the past on business, there was never time for a museum visit.

Here’s a few quick pix from our trip, above and below. The red dots on Jeff and the Smart car are reflections from the glittery red heart above!

Regular product reviews will follow soon!

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  1. MarciaF says:

    You are so cute. Love you on that bike and with the heart. I’m glad you were able to help Jeff’s sister and hope she continues getting more help. Welcome back to winter.

    1. Marcia, are you back too? Or are you still in the warm part of the country? I was thinking about you missing maybe MI’s warmest winter ever, lol, but still happy that you escaped and had a fun change of scenery! Thank you, I had fun on the scooter and the heart was so funny that while I was standing there next to it, I noticed the dots reflected on Jeff and the Smart Car so I had to take a photo too!

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