
A Look at the Beach

I was working on my post for today, but I expected to finish it when I got home from my book club dinner and meeting. My friend Laura who is a fabulous cook made a delicious and light summer dinner. Unfortunately, something didn’t agree with me, and I got home just in time, if you know what I mean. And I still don’t feel well.

So instead of a blogpost, here’s a photo I took today from my position on the little beach near Good Harbor Beach in Gloucester. Well, it wasn’t exactly “on the beach” because the tide was so high that the beach was completely covered. I pushed my little chair up into the rocks, but my feet were still in the water. Although hot, it was a gorgeous summer day. I can’t beat the view.

I heard that most of the U.S. is having very hot weather right now, so I hope a beach, lake, pool, or just some good old A/C is in your future. Enjoy the weekend!

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  1. That sound like a lovely evening minus the stomach issues!
    Cindy Ingalls recently posted…Vitabrid C12 adds deep cleansing with Shampoo ShotMy Profile

  2. Gabrielle says:

    I hope your tummy is all settled now!

    1. Thank you, Gabrielle! Much better today!

      1. Gabrielle says:

        I’m so glad to hear that because I was genuinely concerned.

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