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A New Foreo Luna Mini 3 That Works!

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So my Foreo Luna Mini 3 saga continues. I called Foreo Customer Service, and no one answered. Eventually I was given the opportunity to leave my name and phone number to get a callback. About an hour later, a customer service rep called me back. She told me that my new pink Foreo Luna Mini 3 was registered on the Foreo app, but she was unable to figure out why my the device wouldn’t pair via Bluetooth to the app.

I finally asked her if I could exchange it for another one. She said that I could. I could mail the pink Foreo Luna Mini 3 back to Foreo in Miami, and once they received it, they would mail me a new one. Ugh, it sounded like it would take a month with the mail being what it is these days. I told her I was going to try to exchange it at my local Ulta. I called the Ulta store nearest me and explained that the Foreo Luna Mini 3 that I bought online during Ulta 21 Days did not work. I asked if I could exchange it in the store. She told me they had two Foreo Luna Mini 3s in stock, one pink and one blue. I chose the blue one to change my luck. I drove over on Monday afternoon and exchanged the pink one for the blue.

The next day (yesterday), I plugged in the blue Foreo Luna Mini 3 to charge it. It charged in a little less than an hour and a half.

First, I pressed and held the Home button for 5 seconds to pair the device with the app via Bluetooth. Whew, it worked. Next, I added a new Luna Mini 3 to the Foreo app,

and I scanned the QR code in to add the serial number.

So far, so good. I added that I purchased it in a store on Monday and I uploaded a photo of the new paper receipt. Eureka! This time it worked! I got the “Registered” message on the app. 

Next, I went to Settings on the app to “program” the device. I thought it was going to ask me questions about my skin type, my age, my skin concerns, but maybe I missed all that. It didn’t ask me anything. It set the “program” for 10 seconds for each of the four quadrants of my face. I pressed the Start button on the app, and the Foreo Luna Mini 3 started vibrating/cleansing. I decided that 10 seconds wasn’t long enough for the sides of my face, so I changed the length of time to 15 seconds for those two quadrants. Easy.

The silicone nodules on my new Foreo Luna Mini 3 are softer than those on my first generation Luna, and I like them better. Foreo says the nodules are 25% softer, but I’m not sure softer than which models. But they are noticeably softer. Also, there are more nodules, so that’s great too.

For some reason, I thought that the new Foreo Lunas including the Minis had, like, 18 different programs you could choose from. I can’t find them on the Mini 3, so maybe I made a mistake and that’s just on the larger Luna. Oh well.

I tried starting the Luna Mini 3 without the app by pressing the Home button twice. The first time I tried, it didn’t work. But I tried again a couple of minutes later, and that time it started up and followed the program that I entered into the app. Cool.

The only thing I haven’t figured out yet is how to get to the Glow Boost Mode, a 30 second program. I think to get there I have to press the Home button three times. I’ll try it tonight.

Oh, and there’s a Find My Foreo tab on the app that I have to set up just in case. I usually leave my Foreo in the bathroom, so I’m not sure it can really get lost, but you never know.

So I guess all’s well that ends well. The customer service from Foreo was decent. I was really pleased by the cooperation by my local Ulta. Now I just have to keep exploring and make sure I have accessed all of the Luna Mini 3 benefits. 

If you have a Foreo Luna Mini 3, is there anything I am missing? Can it be customized, and if so, where do I do it?

In the end, I guess I’m satisfied. The blue one seems to work. I was able to exchange it without too much trouble. And I was able to register the product. I hope I will enjoy using it as much as my old original Luna. 

What do you think? Does it appeal to you? Or is the fact that you have to use a phone app to register it and “program” it a turn off? Do tell.

And BTW, there are sales on Foreo products now. has sales up to 40% on certain products (e.g. 15% off Luna 3Plus, 25% off on Luna Mini 2 etc.) Luna Mini 3 is new, and it’s full price. I really lucked out getting it at Ulta 21 Days. Lookfantastic and SkinCareRX (owned by Lookfantastic) both have sales up to 50% on select Foreo devices. On Lookfantastic, the Luna Mini 2 is 50% off $119, or $59.50. So if you don’t need the latest and greatest, $59.50 is a great price!

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  1. Gabrielle says:

    Yippee!!!! I am thrilled for you that you got a working Foreo this time! The blue is a pretty shade, too. It’s good to hear that Ulta did right by you as well. Hope you’re as happy with this one as with the original!

    1. Thank you, Gabrielle 😘 So far, so great!

  2. Yay! I am so glad that you got one that works! What a data to go through, but at least you now have a working Foreo!
    Lola Seicento recently posted…Heat Holders Thermal Socks to Keep Your Toes Toasty!My Profile

    1. Yes, and both Foreo and Ulta were very helpful!

  3. I’ve been wondering about the Foreo! Thanks for sharing! Xo
    Christine recently posted…Midlife crisis in women: How to deal with it (a step-by-step guide) 2021My Profile

    1. I’ve had my first generation FOREO Luna for almost 10 years. I also have the IRIS version that I probably could have skipped, but it’s still nice. The new mini seems promising!

  4. A happy ending and now many days of using it properly. I’m glad this works.

  5. I’m glad you were able to return and are happy with it now.

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