Jewelry & Accessories

Aid Through Trade Beaded Roll-On Bracelet: Bracelet for a Cause

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As usual, I was lured in by an ad on Facebook. FB really has my number. But this time, I don’t feel bad about it. Aid Through Trade is an organization that sells Fair Trade jewelry made by a team of about 200 women in Nepal that gives back to those women.

Here’s the story of how Aid Through Trade came to be:

While teaching in the late ’80s as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Nepal, Damian Jones became inspired by the artisans of the Kathmandu Valley and intrigued by the use of glass beads in the Nepalese culture. Damian visited many artisans and artisan groups in various regions of Nepal, and observed the artisans as they created unique jewelry designs. Damian recognized that although the designs varied from place to place, there was one undeniable constant across all villages:

women’s lives changed dramatically when they had an income.

Upon his return to the United States, Damian began to conceptualize the idea of working with artisans in a fair, dignified manner as a way to improve their lives. Damian quickly realized that if he were going to succeed in a global marketplace, he would need to emphasize continual design and re-design.

After traveling back to Nepal numerous times, Damian actualized his vision in 1993, founding Aid Through Trade, a fashion design company with ethics, and introducing to the world for the first time to The Original Roll-On® Bracelet.

I purchased one of their Roll-On glass bead bracelets. It was on sale for $10, and frankly, at that price, I am not sure how much the woman in Nepal who made it actually gets. But I am hopeful that whatever she gets, it will be helpful to her and her family.

Aid Through Trade has about a bazillion different colors and patterns of beaded roll-on bracelets, and it was difficult to choose because there were so many that I liked. Finally, I selected a bracelet made from pink, raspberry, aqua, pale green, and blue beads that looked nice and summer-y.

Plus it will go with my blue watch band as well as coordinate with the other two beaded roll-on bracelets that I got from different places a few years ago.

The Aid Through Trade bracelet is a little larger than my other two beaded bracelets (about a 3 inch diameter), but it is not so big that it rolls off.

I love casual bracelets like this especially for summer. But truthfully, I wear my beaded bracelets year round. They really fit the casual lifestyle that we’re living these days.

The regular, non-sale price of the Aid Through Trade bracelets is $15, still a great price. Shipping is free, and I received a 30% off coupon code for my next purchase through the end of the month (gee, I wish the coupon was good for a little longer than that, but still, it’s a nice gesture.)

Check out the Aid Through Trade website, and bookmark it for the holidays that will be here before we know it. Their roll-on bracelets would make a terrific stocking stuffer or small gift. Also, on the website, if you sign up for emails, you can get 30% off your first purchase!

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  1. Sherry Proch says:

    What a great company! I need a couple of these. They are so pretty!

    1. Thank you, Sherry! I saw an ad on FB yesterday for the same $10 deal that I got. Hope you’ll check out their website!

  2. DiEtta says:

    My 3 granddaughters and my daughter would love these. We need to support all women…..thanks for sharing. 😷🙋🏻‍♀️🍷

    1. Thanks, DiEtta, for taking the time to comment xo I think these bracelets are wonderful, and the mission of the company is even better!

  3. Sandy Pincombe says:

    Good morning/Afternoon, I have bought several products from a little store with a website too. The store closed due to COVID and sadly will not be reopening.The products are jewelry, scarves, candles, clothing, toys and the like. I will miss this store but will continue to buy off the website. Anything to help stop women, teens, children sexual trafficking is a cause high on my list.

    1. Hi Sandy, I’m sad to hear that your local boutique closed their brick & mortar store, but it makes sense that they don’t want to pay rent while so few people are doing in-store shopping. I’m glad they’re maintaining their website. What’s the name or URL of the store so we can check it out?

  4. What a gorgeous bracelet, and what a great company! That was a worthwhile purchase!
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  5. Kathryne says:

    Yes it’s a nice addition to a fun casual outfit for the summer. I had the same question, I wonder how much they pay the workers considering the affordability of their bracelets.
    The value of dollar is high there so I also hope it really helps the workers support their family

  6. That is such a cute bracelet! I love to stack bracelets and this one is perfect for that. I love the colors you chose.
    Cindy Ingalls recently posted…Perfect Image At Home Peel!My Profile

  7. My niece would love these bracelets. I hope a lot of people would follow what this company does.

    1. Aid Through Trade certainly is a wonderful company, and their bracelets are very well made. Hope you’ll keep it in mind for a gift for your niece someday, Samantha!

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