Bath & Body, Hair, Makeup, Skincare

An Embarrassment of Riches: Sneak Peeks

We’re in the run-up to the holidays, I think. I’ve received three different goody boxes chockfull of skincare, bodycare, makeup, and haircare products. It’s going to take me a long time to go through them, so I thought I would give you a sneak peek. The products that don’t suit me I will give away. Here’s a look at all these potential gems!

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Conscious Beauty

This was the first box that arrived at the end of last week, and I was blown away by all the goodies. I estimate there must be 25 different products in the box. Woohoo! Many are from new-to-me brands.

Conscious Beauty isn’t a brand, but an attitude or a credo. Conscious Beauty represents the clean beauty brands that are sold in the popup stores across the U.S. There’s a popup store about 40 miles from me in the upscale Natick Mall, here in Massachusetts. I plan to make a pilgrimage out there in the not too distant future. The Conscious Beauty popup store opened on September 1 and will go through the end of 2022. If you live in MA, you might consider making the drive there, too. LMK and I will try to meet up with you!

I’ve already starting using two of the products in the box, and I love them both:

  • Buffalo Gal Organics Magic Mushroom Restorative Beauty Potion: I had heard of Buffalo Gal Organics. I believe that they make lipstick made from organic ingredients. I think I remember an illustration of a pretty cowgirl wearing red lipstick, or maybe that’s another brand? All of Buffalo Gal’s products are plant-based and cruelty-free. At any rate, it was love at first use for me with this wonderful serum oil. It is a lightweight oil, but it is perfect for me to use at night before I use my Space Touch Venus red light device. It has a lovely light citrus scent that fades upon application. It’s made with four hero oils as well as the extracts from four different mushrooms. It’s formulated for all skin types, but it really suits dry, mature or dehydrated skin. I received the 10 ml travel size, and not to be greedy, I would have loved the full size of this beauty!

  • Lash Spell Eyelash Enhancing Serum: I’ve been using RapidLash for several years because just about all the other lash serums I’ve tried burn my sensitive eyes. So I approached Lash Spell Eyelash Serum with some trepidation. Not too worry, no sting or I watering whatsoever! I haven’t been using it long enough to tell if it’s having an effect plus my clear eyelashes are pretty long already, but the ingredients look good.

Derma E et al


Topix Pharmaceuticals acquired Derma E Skincare in 2018 and added the natural, cruelty-free brand to its line up of other cosmetics brands. So every now and then, Topix sends me products from some of their other brands to review.

On Friday, I received a Derma E branded box from them. To my surprise, in addition to the Derma E goodies, there were two makeup products from Chella Beauty. If you read my blog, you know that Chella Good Drama Mascara is my current mascara heartthrob.

In addition to receiving a full size Chella mascara, there is also a snack size Chella VelaBeauty Blushing Rose Eyeshadow Palette of lovely rosy-coppery shades that’s perfect for travel. Yay!

The other products are two hyaluronic acid products that I will definitely use as the weather gets colder. Plus, there’s an acne oil-control moisturizer that I will send to a second name that I will choose from my most recent Derma E acne control giveaway.

KMS Haircare

Back in the 1990s, KMS was my haircare brand of choice. They had a treatment product that I absolutely adored, and the shampoo was terrific, too. So, when I opened the box and saw all these KMS haircare products, I was delighted. The KMS Moist Shampoo and Conditioner, that will be perfect for my dry hair, are travel sizes, so I will take them with me on our trip to Montreal. Today, I washed my hair, and I used the KMS Therma Shape Quick Blowdry Spray to protect my hair from the heat of my hairdryer and flat iron.

The other products from the HairPlay collection including a sea spray are not products that I use, so I will hold a giveaway and give them to someone who can use them.

Also in the box with all the KMS haircare products was two chubby pouches from a new-to-me brand, LightWater Skin Nutrition. At first, I thought the pouches contained little packets of powdered skin nutrition that you mix with water.  

But I was wrong! They contain dosed amounts of fabulous moisturizer. I love love love them! We’re going on another trip in a couple of weeks, and these will come along with me. In fact, I may be using them at home before we go because they’re so nice!

So here’s a peek at what’s to come in the next couple of months. I’m psyched!

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  1. This is incredible! It is definitely going to take you forever to review all of these! I seem some pretty spectacular looking products here!
    Lola Seicento recently posted…The Organic Skin Co. The Good Oil ReviewMy Profile

    1. For sure!!

  2. MarciaF says:

    What an exciting bounty. So many interesting products. And so many that will work perfectly for you.

    1. Yes, this will keep me for months!

  3. Heeey! This was a fun post – you have so many things to try out! I had no idea Derma E made a box you could order. Are these subscription boxes? Or maybe I got confused and they are PR. Either way! Interesting to see the new products from Chella. Been a while since Ive seen them. Id love to dig through that conscious beauty box!!!!

    1. The Derma E box is a PR box sent by their parent company Topix. What a great surprise for me that Topix now owns Chella and sent me my favorite mascara! And you’re right, you would love the Conscious Beauty box of goodies from their popup store!

  4. What’s in the packets for the water mixing drink? Collagen? I need a new collagen product that dilutes well. Let me know more when you try it!

    1. I haven’t tried it yet, and I have to check the ingredients. I’ll LYK

    2. Michelle, I have some collagen liquid drops from a different brand. Do you want them? PM me on FB if you do 😉

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