Beauty Tips

Anti-aging Makeup Application Tips from Daily Glow

No one really ever taught me how to apply my makeup. I didn’t have a sister. My mother wasn’t that into it. I picked things up along the way, primarily from reading magazines, occasionally from makeup artists at Georgette Klinger after I had a facial or at the makeup counters in department stores. So I can’t say I do everything right. Far from it. And over time, I’m sure there are things that I should be doing differently when I apply my makeup.

Daily Glow has all kinds of useful beauty information. Today, I came across some helpful tips on how to avoid making mistakes when applying makeup that can make you look older. I’m all for that!

where to apply makeup
credit: Patrick drot under Creative Commons

Here’s a link to their slide show of Do’s and Don’ts: 

I’ve already tried out a few of their ideas, like using lots of black mascara on my upper lashes and just one coat of brown on the lower to bring attention upward. I don’t think I would’ve thought of that on my own!

Do you have any makeup application tips that you could share?

And don’t forget to enter the giveaway to win essence long-lasting lipstick, On The Catwalk, a beautiful plum that’s just right for fall. The giveaway ends tomorrow night, Oct. 4. Just leave a comment on why you want to win the lipstick and that’s it!

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  1. Good tips! I’d like to try the brown mascara on my lower lash line. I don’t usually add anything, but once in a while I’ll add black thinking it make my eyes look bigger. Perhaps it’s actually making me look older! Yikes!

    Monica P recently posted…September Favorites from TargetMy Profile

    1. Allison says:

      I think the black/brown mascara combo is a cool trick. My eyes are shaped in a way that they curve down, but I have blond eyelashes so I have to wear mascara on the bottom or I have no eyelashes. The black/brown mascara tip does seem to draw attention to the upper part of the eye. Curious to find out if it works for you, Monica!

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