brightly colored thank you on black background

Apologies and New Subscription Delivery Changes…Again!

Thank you so much to all of you who haven’t unsubscribed and stopped following Never Say Die Beauty during the past few months. I realize that my website problems have been going on since late May. That’s a long time!

animated drawing of an angry and exasperated me

To make matters worse, the service that used to deliver my daily blogpost to subscribers, Madmimi, went out of business on August 31. 🙄 To replace Madmimi, a blogger friend recommended BirdSend to me. I actually think the recommendation might have been an attempt at sabotage because BirdSend was the most difficult, uncustomer-friendly service  to try to set up and navigate.

I received a few emails from some kind subscribers who took the time to write that my daily email wasn’t working out, because either:

  • it posted the full blogpost (but without the photos) so there was no reason to go to my website, or
  • it posted only a couple of sentences of the post and just left it without a “Read more” link.

In addition, I got another email from a fellow blogger who subscribes asking me if I had disabled commenting because she didn’t see it at the end.  The emailed blogpost was so confusing to her that she didn’t realize she was reading a very boring-looking email version of my post, rather than being taken to my website where she could comment to her heart’s content! At that point, I finally realized I had to pull the plug on BirdSend. Forget that I already paid them for a year’s service. I am looking at $$$ with wings on them flying away! But I hope it will be worth it.

Now or maybe I should say “soon” (my application has to be approved before they will send it out), going forward, MailerLite should be emailing my posts to subscribers . I spent the afternoon trying to edit one of their templates that was laid out the way I wanted my daily mailing to look. Though the logo at the top could be a little larger, at least MailerLite lets me brand my email unlike BirdSend!

I should also let you know that my tech consultant will be moving my website from Hostgator, the unhelpful company that currently hosts my website, to the servers that are dedicated to my consultants’ clients. I am hoping it will be a better experience for me, but also for you. (Fingers crossed!) That means that my website might be down for a day or two as it moves through cyberspace to what I hope will be its permanent home. 😀 

watercolor drawing of Thank you

Anyway, thanks for reading and for sticking with me. I truly appreciate it! xoxoxo

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