Features, Makeup

Are You Going Back to Wearing Makeup or Is the Natural Look for You Permanent?

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Did you happen to read the article in The New York Times last week, “How Will You Look When You Emerge From the Pandemic?” The gist of the article, though you should read it, is that so many women have stopped wearing a full face of makeup during the pandemic that it seems like it’s “too much” as we start to slowly approach a new normal. One of the experts quoted in the article mentioned that women are still wearing makeup on camera and on television, but that they prefer a lighter, more natural look. Really? Everyone?

That was the intro to letting us readers know about all of the tinted lip balms and tinted moisturizers with SPF that are new to the marketplace. I don’t know about you, but it is unlikely that I will be trying Gucci’s $42 Rouge de Beauté Brillant Glow & Care Shine Lipstick described as a “thin wash of color” and by one consumer as “…barely any color…It’s basically just chapstick…” or Hermes’ $67 Rosy Lip Enhancer that comes in three shades of soft “hints” of pink. 

For the past 15 months, I have only worn makeup on rare occasion primarily because I didn’t go anywhere except the woods or see anyone other than my masked hiking buddies. Nevertheless, I put on makeup for holidays and birthdays that Jeff and I celebrated on our own because we like to get dressed up to make those days seem different from the ordinary.

Lately, I have put on makeup when I have gone out to lunch or dinner either outdoors or indoors. Because masks are still required in restaurants including outdoors on decks and patios in MA if you’re not seated at your table, I have still been wearing lip stain so it doesn’t end up on my masks. But when masks are safely no longer required, you can bet that I will be going back to all the lipsticks and lipglosses that I have truly missed during the past year and a quarter.

In addition, I am eager to wear mascara, eyeliner and even some eyeshadow again. While I think I may be less obsessed with wearing makeup every time I leave the house like I was pre-pandemic, I definitely feel more present and more visible when I wear at least some makeup, which for me means concealer, mascara, lower lashline eyeliner, and lipstick or opaque colored gloss.

The photo below shows me just after my hair was colored.  My eyebrows look so funny because I’m not wearing any eye makeup and they look completely unbalanced. Not a good look, IMO.

Truth be told, I even miss wearing foundation. Since it is almost summer, I will wear lighter weight foundation or CC cream, but when I am mask-free and out and about, I will wear something.

I was curious about the comments in response to the NYT article, so I scrolled down and read about 20 or so comments. The majority were from women who didn’t wear makeup pre-pandemic, and they felt justified in continuing as they always did makeup-free (which is fine if that’s what suits you). Other women who loved makeup said that they had missed wearing makeup, that they wore makeup to please themselves, and that they were returning to wearing the kind of makeup that they love. Some women who were essential workers reported that they wore makeup because they worked in public and wanted to continue to look “professional” even while wearing masks.

During the pandemic, I and many women whom I know who are or were interested in makeup and beauty products put their emphasis on skincare and skincare products, though I am pretty sure they continued the skincare routines that they always followed including trying new products. But now that there is light at the end of the tunnel, I am curious to find out what beauty enthusiasts will do about makeup as they venture out in public or among close friends and family more often than in the past year or so.

I hope you’ll take a few moments to comment and let me know what you’re planning to do or already doing: no makeup, natural-looking makeup, or makeup makeup? Do you think that going forward you’ll return to your previous makeup habits or will you tone things down or stop wearing makeup altogether? No judgment here, your decision is your decision. But as a beauty blogger, I am curious because it will help me determine what type of beauty products to spend more time reviewing and discussing in the future. Thanks!

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  1. Paula A Hartman says:

    Here in NC we are more or less mask-free, although I wear mine in the store/coffee shop/etc. I have gone back to wearing a full face of makeup. I find that it improves my mood.

    1. Jeff’s daughter, the immunologist is a post-doc at UNC Chapel Hill, and she was saying that NC isn’t at 50% yet and she is concerned. You are wise to wear your mask indoors till the numbers increase. But yay for wearing a full face of makeup! Tonight, my book club is meeting in person for the first time since last August (we’re all vaccinated), and I am so looking forward to wearing makeup even though I will probably be the only one in our group doing so!

  2. Mary says:

    Hi Allison, I vacillate between makeup/no-makeup even out in public. Just depends On the day. Really looking forward to wearing lipstick and lipgloss though. Miss my colored lips.

    1. I’m the same way, Mary, colored lips (and for me, mascara) make me look alive. I’m sure the cows approve 😉

      1. Janice says:

        Juice beauty cc with sunscreen when working on the office computer by a big window. A bit of mascara. Some lipstick. A touch of cream blush. Some days, just some besame violet powder as eye shadow and brightener and a dab of translucent with fluffy brush. Still mascara a soft cream blush and lipstick. I wear it for me, and sometimes I miss the full face days but right now, I look better with less. Even before the pandemic I had started wearing less–first from working at home and then fully retiring. Maybe I will put on a bit more when actual going out date nights with my husband begins again, but the light look has grown on me a bit. I’m 66.

        1. Wonderful, Janice. Perfect actually, for these times. I’m curious about the Besame Violet Powder. Does it have a tinge of violet color? I bought the rose powder, and it is essentially nude with a pink undertone only.

          I guess what I miss is the Urban Decay sparkly eyeliner, and the eyeshadow with glitter. No matter my age, I find it hard to give it up.

          1. Janice says:

            It is a pale violet, I also use their soft focus and mascara. I was impressed with the brightening effect. I use it around the eyes and it is so soft and light that there is no creasing. Lovely products.

          2. Besame makes some beautiful products. As I mentioned, I use their rose powder from time to time to tone down a too glowy foundation. I had considered the violet powder at one point but I already had a violet powder from a K-beauty set. That’s great that it can do double-duty as a subtle eyeshadow! I haven’t tried Besame’s mascara. I have a set of their “year” lipsticks and fragrances.

  3. Gabrielle says:

    I’m all about makeup, as you know! For me, minimalist means no teal lipstick or glitter lip topper!

    1. LOL, Gabrielle, do you have an pix of you with teal lips on your IG feed? I gotta go look!!

      1. Gabrielle says:

        I just posted one and tagged you! https://www.instagram.com/p/CPTfwxyHMjh/

  4. Lip stain is a great idea for under the mask! I never wear a lot of makeup to begin with, and only really wear it on my Zoom work days (which is frequent, and for very long periods of time). On days that I don’t have to be on Zoom, I haven’t been wearing makeup.

  5. Sandy says:

    I always wore some sort of foundation and definitely eyebrow pencil. Now I will add bronzer and eyeshadow to my look. I can’t do eye liner and don’t wear much mascara because of my extremely dry eyes. However if I don’t leave the house I will continue to just wear a serum, moisturizer and sun screen with a lip balm

    1. I didn’t know you were a bronzer fan, Sandy. If some comes my way, I will send it on because I haven’t figured out how to wear it without it looking like a smudge. I will be going back to “some sort of foundation” too!

  6. Laurie Ann Brown says:

    I wear lipstick every day, and am lucky enough to have found a mask that stands away from my lips and so doesn’t get much transfer on it, if any. And I never go to town without eye makeup- I learned that with the mask on, I needed MORE eye makeup to not look ancient and washed out. So nothing much has changed for me. I wear makeup *most* days even at home, one to protect my skin and two just because I like it.

    1. Brava, Laurie! Do you remember the brand of mask that you have that stands away from your lips? How cool is that! I think you’re right about needing more eye makeup. I truly look ancient without it, but if I’m just going jogging or hiking, I don’t bother…but maybe I should. “because I like it” is the best reason!

  7. I am gradually getting back into makeup and actually placed an order tonight. I went for so long without touching it and I realize that I miss it. If I see my vaccinated friends and family I’ll wear makeup. When I get my nails done I wear makeup. I think my DNA calls for it!
    MarciaF recently posted…NEW! Love Letter From Love Notes Fragrances!My Profile

    1. I love that your “DNA calls for it” – perfect way to describe your relationship with makeup!

  8. I’m kind of in-between! On one end, I like to do slightly bolder eye looks now since most of my face is covered by a mask. But when we’re in a mask-less environment, I just do the bare minimum or sometimes no makeup at all.
    Glamorable recently posted…Grown Alchemist Skincare ReviewMy Profile

  9. I know I am late to the conversation, but I can’t wait to put lipstick on!! And yes I love makeup. That said I have found that as I age it is hard to find a foundation that doesn’t settle in lines. Particularly the marionette lines! If you have recommendations for a foundation that just evens out the skin is light and doesn’t settle please advise? I will be putting on makeup when I go back to office in July! I love makeup!

    1. Not late at all! Edith, which primer are you using? I switched to Tatcha Liquid Silk Canvas about a year ago and I am happy with it. They make a travel size for about $20 that might be worth checking out. A good primer may help your favorite foundation look smoother.

  10. Becca skin love. I was looking at Tatcha liquid silk canvas,, thanks for getting back to me! also I very much appreciate learning about the Makeup Museum!! In NYC!!

  11. Have you tried Becca?

    1. No, I haven’t tried the BECCA primer that you’re using Edith, so I can’t say how it compares to Tatcha unfortunately. Several months ago, one of the bloggers said that BECCA was going out of business, but I haven’t seen any evidence of that yet.

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