Parasilk gLOVE Treat box,
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At-Home Spa Treatment for Soft Hands with Parasilk gLOVE Treat

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When I used to go to wonderful Georgette Klinger Salon on Madison Avenue in New York in the 1980s and 90s for a facial, the first thing the esthetician did was put big spa gloves on my hands. The gloves contained wax and oils, and they were heated in a microwave before they were applied. It felt so cozy and relaxing to sit back in the reclining spa chair with the warm gloves on while the esthetician went to work on my facial. After the Georgette Klinger Salons closed and I moved to Massachusetts, I haven’t found another salon or spa that does the hand treatment as part of the facial. Boo. I miss it.

I’ve been doing a lot of gardening since May, and my gardens look pretty great this year. But my hands look kind of a wreck. In spite of taking biotin, my nails are less strong than usual. Digging in the dirt has broken a couple of my nails. And I’ve been washing my hands constantly. Even though I wear gloves when I garden, somehow my hands and nails end up really dirty. As a result, my hands were really dry. They needed help. Plus my hands, that unfortunately have dark spots from not wearing sunscreen on them, look dried out and old.

my hand before I used Parasilk gLove hand treatment,

So I was curious when I received a big box from a brand called Parasilk. Inside were Parasilk gloves, mitts and boots for an at-home spa experience. Today, I’m going to talk about the gloves because I haven’t had a chance to try out the mitts and boots yet, but there’s a promotion going on now that I want you to know about in case you want to take advantage of a big discount.

Parasilk gLOVE Treat box,

Parasilk gLOVE Treat

Parasilk gLOVE Treat is a rejuvenating at-home hand treatment that is designed to make hands soft, smooth and soothed with natural paraffin wax. The gloves come in a pretty pink and cream box with lots of information on it.

Inside is a heavy sealed plastic pouch with instructions for how to use the gloves on it. I found it incredibly useful to have the directions right there on the pouch rather than a separate piece of paper that could get lost.

pouch with instructions inside the Parasilk box,

I opened the bag and inside were two plastic gloves folded up.

Parasilk gloves folded up to fit inside pouch,

I opened them, and it was interesting to see the cold, hard paraffin inside the translucent gloves. Each glove arrives sealed at the bottom to keep the wax safe inside.

open Parasilk glove before heating,

I started my hand treatment in the kitchen because that’s where my microwave is. I placed one glove on a paper towel and heated the glove for 60 seconds. Because the plate inside my microwave no longer rotates, I heated the glove for 30 seconds and then I rotated that glove and heated it for another 30 seconds. Then I turned the glove over and repeated the process. After a total of 2 minutes of heating in the microwave, I took out the glove, and it looked as if all the wax had melted. In addition, the heart on the back of the glove was bright red, indicating that it was too hot to put my hand in. At that point, I repeated the process with the second glove.

red heart heat indicator on Parasilk glove,

In less time than it took to heat the second glove, the first one had cooled enough for me to put it on. I could tell because the heart that had been red had returned to black.

black heart heat indicator on Parasilk glove,

I opened the seal at the bottom of the glove being careful to keep the glove semi-upright so that none of the wax would come out. I inserted my hand. It felt wonderfully warm as I pushed my fingers into the wax inside the glove fingers.

my hand wearing the Parasilk glove treatment,

Then I applied what Parasilk calls the “plush loop”, actually a white strip that sticks to itself to seal the glove. Putting on the first glove was quite easy.

Parasilk "plush loops", white strips that stick and help the gloves stay on and fitted,

I repeated the process with the second glove. Doing it the first time, it might have been nice to have someone around to help me put on the second glove. Nevertheless, I got it on, and it wasn’t all that hard.

BTW, the scent of the warmed glove was a wonderful surprise. It smelled like coconut! I hadn’t noticed on the box that it said “coconut & lavender oil”.

While my Parasilk gLOVEs were on, I decided to go outdoors into my garden and relax by looking at my flowers. You can put a towel over each glove if you want to keep the heat in longer, but I decided not to. The 10 minute treatment went by very quickly, in fact too quickly because it felt so good. The gloves remained warm or warmish throughout the 10 minutes. It really was a treat!

I removed the gloves, and closed the seal on each one. I had a little bit of wax on one of my hands, so I put that back inside the glove before I closed it up. I wanted to make sure there’d be plenty for the next treatment.

The instructions said to remove the excess oil that was on my hands with a towel. I used a paper towel, but I stopped midway because I decided just to rub the excess oil into my dry forearms and elbows. Next time, I’ll do that again! BTW, another neat thing about the Parasilk gLOVEs is that you can use them 4 times! Yay!

my hand after using Parasilk gLOVE hand treatment looking plumper and more hydrated,

My hands felt so smooth, so indescribably soft, super hydrated, and plumped especially around the knuckles and back of my hands. Except for those recognizable dark spots, I almost thought they were someone else’s hands. And that soft, hydrated feeling and smooth, plumped appearance kept on for hours afterwards. If you decide to try these fabulous Parasilk gLOVEs, I strongly recommend doing the treatment before bed or maybe before you’re going out. I did the treatment before dinner, and it killed me to have to “work” after pampering my hands this way. Next time, I’ll do it before bed.

Parasilk gLOVEs come in different sizes: Small, Medium and Large. Thankfully, I was sent size Small for my small hands. As I mentioned above, Parasilk also makes mitts that look like mittens and boots for a warm foot treatment. The mitts and boots come in Medium and Large. I look forward to trying and reporting on those treatments soon, but if they’re like the gloves, I can already imagine how good they’ll feel.

But today, I want to let you know that there’s a special promotion for Parasilk products only for Amazon Prime members going on right now in the run up to Prime Day on July 16. Parasilk is offering a 35% discount to Amazon Prime members that is good through July 15. The discount is good for the gloves, mitts and boots. It’s good on your entire order, so it’s a good time to stock up or try the treatments for both hands and feet! The regular price for Parasilk gloves, mitts or boots is $32.95 (remember, each one can be used 4 times), so the discount is considerable, saving you $11.53 per pair, and bringing the cost to about $5 per treatment. The code is 35PRIMEDAY.

I am really excited about Parasilk. My hands feel just like they did after my Georgette Klinger Salon treatment! Five hours later, my hands still look smooth and shiny, and they still feel sooooooo soft and hydrated. Amazing! I can hardly wait to try the foot treatment!

ADDENDUM: Amazon Prime Day is tomorrow, July 16, and now there’s a new promotion for Parasilk!! It’s BOGO! Amazon Prime members: when you add two Parasilk products to your cart, you’ll get the second one FREE! Can’t beat that! It’s a great way to stock up or to try another Parasilk spa treatment. Here’s the link for Amazon Prime day savings!



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  1. These gloves look amazing and so easy to use. Your hand is so hydrated! I need to try these gloves!

    1. The Parasilk gloves were so much fun to use, and they made my hands so soft, so hydrated. They exceeded my expectations!

  2. Your hand looks so soft and hydrated in the after picture! I need to give this a try, my hands need all the pampering they can get.

    1. The Parasilk gLoves exceeded my expectations, Shireen! Fun and effective!

  3. I am so glad you love them – I do too!

    1. The gLoves exceeded my expectations!

  4. Kristina says:

    I NEED to try these, especially the boots! I really love that they are reusable, that is so great.

    1. I’ll be reviewing the boots soon. I’m impressed with the gloves!

  5. My hands and feet could use the pampering. When I look at my hands they look older than I am!! Since I have longish nails I wonder if they wax will accumulate under them.

    1. So, my nails aren’t super long, just a little longish. When I took my hands out, there was a little tiny bit of wax on the back of one of my hands, and I put that back in the glove. Mostly my hands felt like they were coated with coconut oil. I didn’t notice wax or oil stuck under my nails, but at first, I grabbed a paper towel and started absorbing the excess oil till I realized I should just rub it into my forearms and elbows. I think the oil would be good for nails.

  6. I had a paraffin hand treatment at a spa once and it was wonderful! Thanks so mcuh for the discount code, I’ll use it!

    1. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

  7. I really need a pedi! I love the idea of an at home spa treatment for hands and feet to make them soft.

  8. Your hands look amazing and there are so many nice features about the gloves. I can appreciate that they’re not just a single use product and the heat indicator means you won’t burn your hands. Thanks for the review, I might have to pick these up now!

    1. The Parasilk gLove hand treatment was so incredibly nice. It exceeded my expectations!

  9. rach says:

    I can just see myself trying to get the second glove or mitt on while already wearing the first…. You managed alright, but me? Yep that would be comical. 😛
    I haven’t had a paraffin hand treatment in ages but I remember it being soooo nice!

    1. I had a few tough moments there, Rach, thinking, how will I get this other glove on! Plus I was trying to take pictures too! But the glove was surprisingly manipulable (if that’s a word), and I did it! However, if someone else had been around, I wouldn’t mind asking for help! The stuff inside the Parasilk gLoves was very much like a spa treatment. The next day, the softness if still there

  10. Kathryne says:

    I can see well hydrated hands after! I need to try this pronto

  11. My Nail Polish Obsession says:

    Your hands look really moisturized! I’d love to try this product.

  12. I always expect home things like this to not have amazing results but you can SEE how well it worked! Now I want to try the ones for the feet!

  13. 25 Sweetpeas says:

    Ooo, I bet the foot one will be great then!

  14. This sounds like a lovely, relaxing treatment to do while watching movies over the weekend!

    1. Great idea, Babi!

  15. I once had a paraffin pedicure, and it actually stopped my feet aching and cramping at night. I’d love to try a hand treatment as well!

    1. I’m planning to try the foot treatment soon. That’s amazing that the paraffin pedicure helped your nighttime cramps. Yes! I’m so impressed with the Parasilk gLoves – they’re incredible for an at-home treatment

  16. Your hands look great after using the gloves!!! You’ve totally sold me on this relaxing spa type process!!

  17. Ehmkay Nails says:

    I would totally love these for the winter when my hands crack! They look fun!

  18. Jen Walker says:

    Oh my, this sounds positively delightful! I need to pick up some for when I have intense swatch sessions!

    1. The gloves really did the trick! They exceeded my expectations!

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