Beauty Tools, Product Spotlight, Skincare

Baloom Microcurrent Face Massager: An Essential Tool for Me!

Before I started blogging, I knew just about nothing about facial tools. In fact, I thought they were a scam. But I have changed my mind by actually using them.

My FOREO Luna cleansing device (reviewed here) and my SpaceTouch Vega, red/orange light device (reviewed here), are excellent tools that I use on the regular.

A couple of months ago, I was sent another device, Baloom Microcurrent Face Massager to try out for review.

In fact, I received the PR email about it just a few weeks after I ended physical therapy with PEMF, Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field Therapy, a methodology that my friend suggested that I consider for my neck muscles after my carotid artery surgery. PEMF therapy sends electromagnetic currents generated in a series of coils (kind of like an MRI) through the body. These coils are electrically charged and, when they are activated, release waves of different intensities and frequencies. From another friend, I found a physical therapist who administers PEMF near where I live.

Although my surgery took place almost 13 months ago, the surgery was more unusual and arduous than my vascular surgeon expected. Because it took 4 hours, one of the key muscles that goes from my clavicle to under my chin had to be clamped aside to reach the artery. As a result, I experience soreness that just won’t go away. I tried a number of sessions using PEMF, laser and massage. All three techniques helped me feel better for a while, but the soreness always returned. Since the treatments weren’t covered by my insurance, I stopped going.

But I thought that I should try the devices that I had at home. Red light therapy and the heat it generates helps ease the soreness. I decided to try the Baloom Microcurrent Face Massager on my neck muscle as well.

I believe that devices similar to the Baloom Microcurrent Face Massager have been around for a while. I was always curious about the rotating silver massage rollers at the end of the device!

The Baloom Face Massager has both microcurrent and vibrating/massaging functions that increase microcurrent penetration and enhance circulation. The Baloom helps tone the muscles in the face and neck, and it helps stimulate collagen production for increased elasticity. As a result, I was hopeful about helping a variety of my concerns:

  • decreasing the appearance of lines and wrinkles on my face
  • easing the pain on my neck
  • contouring my face and especially my jaw.

You may remember that I am obsessed with trying to contour along my jawline to prevent real sagging like my paternal grandmother (a lovely person, BTW) had since I have the same shape face as she had. So using the Baloom along my jawline as well as on my neck and on my face is how I use the device.

How to Choose the Setting for Baloom

Baloom has multiple settings that you access by pressing the button on the top of the device.

The indicator light lights up blue when it’s turned on by pressing it for 2 seconds which activates the “default vibration mode”. If you click it again, it goes through the following settings:

  • 1st click: Purple: Vibration & Microcurrent Mode
  • 2nd click: Blue/setting 1: Low Intensity Microcurrent
  • 3rd click: Blue/setting 2: Mid Intensity Microcurrent
  • 4th click: Blue/setting 3: High Intensity Microcurrent
  • 5th click: Blue: brings you back to the initial Default Vibration Mode

How to Use Baloom

Start out by removing makeup and cleansing your skin.

Apply a serum or mask, including a sheet mask, or a conductive gel like the wonderful Collagen Booster Gel that I received along with Baloom.

These skincare products not only help the device glide over skin but they also help the microcurrent reach the muscles under the skin.

Next, turn on the lightweight Baloom device (6.3 oz.) and select the mode and intensity that you prefer. Place the device on your skin on the neck, jawline, cheeks, forehead, brows, and even around the eye area (though I do not use it on the eye socket, I have a FOREO device for that more delicate area).

Using light-medium pressure, move Baloom in upward strokes. The device automatically turns off after 10 minutes.

I prefer using the combo Purple setting that combines microcurrent and vibration. Usually, I alternate nights with Baloom alternated with Vega.

photo credit: Baloom website

My Experience with Baloom

During the two months since Baloom was delivered to me, we went on two trips. I was bringing so much luggage that I left my beauty tools at home. Boy, did I miss my Baloom! I even mentioned it to Jeff, saying that I wished I had packed it. My neck felt more sore than it did when I used Baloom on a regular basis.

Also, I believe that Baloom has been helping firm my jawline. Not only does it look to me like my skin along my jaw doesn’t sag as much, but when I touch my jaw, it feels tighter especially on the left side where my surgery was because I tend to concentrate on that side more. Now, I will try to give the right side a little more love.

I also plan to spend more time on the wrinkles that appear to be showing up on my cheeks. I need to nip those in the bud!

When to Avoid Using Baloom

  • Do not use on children
  • Do not use if you have a serious heart condition or a pacemaker.
  • Do not use if you have facial implants
  • Do not use without medical advice if you have: skin allergies, sunburn, open wounds or skin lesions, itchy or irritated skin, serious acne, or after chemical peels, microdermabrasion or cosmetic surgery

Taking Care of Baloom

Baloom should be cleaned (from time to time) with water since it is being used over serums, gels and skin. Shut off the device. I wash mine with warm water with a clean wash cloth, and I dry it with a dry clean towel.

I store my Baloom on the cradle that comes with the device.

Baloom is charged via an included USB-C cable that is plugged in at the bottom of the device under the gray cover).

Baloom Retail Info

Baloom Microcurrent Face Massager is sold on Amazon and Walmart for $46.99 as well as on the Baloom website.

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  1. MarciaF says:

    Sounds like you found a winner. It’s great that it’s helping where you had the scarring.

    1. Today, I told the P.A. after my ultrasound about it. It does make my sore muscle with the long name under my jaw feel much better when I use the Baloom regularly, yay!

  2. Gabrielle says:

    Oh my gosh! It’s so reasonably priced! I read your review thinking that I was going to be depressed because it would be out of my range, but I could actually get this! Yay! Thank you!

    1. Yes, on Amazon, it’s actually affordable! Worth considering. I love mine. In fact, when I went for my ultrasound today, I told the physician’s assistant that my Baloom is saving me! Plus I think it is helping my jawline.

    2. I have one of these devices in a different brand and I like it! Based on your recommendation I’d like to try this one. If it works and is reasonably priced, that sounds like a win.

  3. I saw this a while back and wasn’t sure if it was worth getting. I love your review of it, so I’ll definitely be ordering one now.

  4. This sounds like a great product! I think it would make a real difference for me.
    Beth recently posted…Moo Shu ChickenMy Profile

  5. I have to get one of these! I’ve been having some issues with new lines on my face, and I’d love to slow that down.
    Claudia recently posted…Moo Shu ChickenMy Profile

  6. I need one of these!! I absolutely love going to get facials because I love when they massage my face. Never thought of purchasing one myself.

    1. I love getting facials too, but they’ve gotten so pricey that it’s very nice to have one at home!

  7. Great to know that is helps with scarring after surgery because my husband has a scar there as well! I’ll let him know!

    1. Just to correct that, I use the Baloom to help with a sore muscle that had to be moved out of the way and nerve damage that happened during my 4 hour surgery. My scar is fine, and I have never used it on my scar.

  8. What an interesting device. It looks like it would be very effective at reducing aches and pains.

  9. Rosey says:

    This looks interesting. I wouldn’t mind trying it. I like too that it turns off after 10 minutes.

    1. The automatic turn off is so handy because it lets me know when I should stop!

  10. Bedabrata Chakraborty says:

    I’ve been curious about microcurrent face massagers! Your review of the Baloom one is informative. Does it really make a noticeable difference in skin firmness and texture for guys?

    1. Not absolutely sure what the Baloom Face Massager does for men’s skin, but I would expect that results might be the same as for women. I have been happy with my results!

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