by Frederick Malle

BBC Short Podcast On Fragrance

The other day, I came across a short podcast on the people, places, advertising, and business of the fragrance industry. The interviewer, Elizabeth Hobson of BBC Business Daily, even talked to a fragrance historian, and the role that Revlon’s “Charlie” and then “Opium” played in the evolution of contemporary scents.

photo credit: Revlon

In addition, the interviewer talked to the famed niche perfumer, Sarah McCartney, whose lab I had hoped to visit to learn about 4160 Tuesdays when I was in London last October. Sadly, we had too many things on our agenda, and her location in Hammersmith was a little too far afield for me to make an appointment. Sarah talked about the ingredients used in perfumery as well as her unique “crowd-funding” approach to creating fragrance.

photo credit: 4160 Tuesdays

Creating emotions looms large in the fragrance industry. The alcohol brand, Picard, talks about having a fragrance created to evoke and support their brand. Similarly, realtors discuss the role of fragrance in selling expensive homes!

The podcast is well worth a listen for fragrance lovers!

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  1. Hi, Allison! I remember Charlie. The sing-song “Charlie” from the ads still resonates in my brain when I think about the fragrance.

    1. Me, too, Cynthia! I can hear and even see in my mind the Charlie TV commercial!

  2. MarciaF says:

    Believe it or not, I’ve never listened to a podcast. First I don’t even know how and second with my hearing it’s hard for me to hear everything. This one sounds so useful for fragrance lovers.

    1. One of my friends often listens to podcasts on her iPhone with EarPods when she walks. To listen to a podcast, you just click on the arrow or in this case, click on the link. IDK if you have EarPods, but they can make music, conversations etc. easier to hear. 🙂

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