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Weekly Roundups

Beauty Blog Coalition End of August 2015 Roundup Extravaganza

The end of August is always bittersweet for us in New England. Our short summer is coming to an end. The nights are definitely cooler. The angle of the sun is lower in the sky in the afternoon and it sets noticeably earlier. So we’re trying to make the best of these last few weekends at the beach. The water temperature was just incredible today. I think the water and the air temperatures were about the same: 70 degrees! That’s rather unusual.

How are you spending your weekend? At the beach, lake or pool? On vacation? In the woods or the park? Enjoying the city? Wherever you are, I hope you’re having fun.

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This week, the members of Beauty Blog Coalition have come out in force with lots of blogposts for you to peruse. There’s a little bit of everything: makeup, skincare, new shades of nail polish, makeup brushes, and haircare. Plus several great giveaways in the mix. Take a look! And enjoy your Sunday.

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