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Weekly Roundups

Beauty Blog Coalition Memorial Weekend 2015 Roundup

The Red Sox won! Even though we were sitting in the bleachers about as far away as we could possibly be and the overpriced food at the ballpark was terrible, it was still a fun time and I was thrilled to get to go.


So it’s late now, and I’m just going to post the beauty blogposts from this past week from some of the members of Beauty Blog Coalition: summer nail polish, skincare, a gorgeous hair appliances to make waves, fragrance and a neutral grey eye makeup look from me 🙂

Beauty-Blog-Coalition-Weekly Roundup

Hope you’re having a good weekend. Enjoy your Sunday!

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  1. Laura says:

    Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself despite the terrible food and distance from the playing field. 😉 Some of my most memorable times usually involved some part of it not being to my liking. Weird how that works. Fun is fun especially when the team you are rooting for wins! 🙂 Brian seasoned the smoker last night and the rest of the food has been prepped. He goes back around 11am to start those ribs. He will come back for me later. We are even planning on smoking the homemade Macaroni & Cheese. I really want to try that. It is going to be a beautiful day here. Hope it is for you too Allison.

    1. Yes, it was a terrific game (since the Sox have been pretty lousy this year as well as last), and my friends who aren’t baseball fans actually enjoyed it too. But OMG, Laura, your BBQ sounds sooooo delicious, Laura! I’ve never heard of smoked mac ‘n cheese but I bet that’ll give it even more depth of flavor! I hope you have a great day with your family and wonderful smoked food 🙂

  2. Valerie C. says:

    The game must have been so much fun! My dad was a huge Red Sox fan 🙂 I hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend too. I have family coming in from London in the morning. I think we will take them into Boston.

    1. The game really was fun, especially since the team won! and now it’s 2 in a row, lol. Hope you enjoy spending time with your guests showing off Boston. Boston does remind me a bit of a little London. 🙂

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