
Beauty Blog Coalition Weekly Roundup

Recently, I joined the Beauty Blog Coalition, a group on Facebook for newer beauty bloggers to learn the ropes from more established beauty bloggers. It’s a great opportunity for me, since I’ve been trying to figure things out on my own for the past year 🙂

Every week, members of the BBC submit a post that they’ve written during that week and all the posts are put together in a digest. It’s a chance for you to get to know some other beauty bloggers (but please don’t drop me!), and read about more beauty products and how-to tips.

Beauty Blog Coalition Badge

Here’s the link for you to check ’em out: http://www.mediafire.com/view/fiwdv51cdfj6qx3/010314.html

Please feel free to give me feedback on anything you think I should be trying or writing about 🙂

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  1. Hi Allison,
    This would be a great opportunity for new bloggers , like me! , to learn new things about blogging. But I could not open the link, is it a closed group?
    Dima Al Mahsiri recently posted…Easy Skin Care Regimen for Dry skinMy Profile

    1. Allison says:

      Dima, the Beauty Bloggers Coalition is turning out to be a useful group to belong to. It is a closed group, and you must apply for membership. There’s a form you have to fill out, and they look at the applications every now and then. For some reason, it took forever for them to get back to me. They require, however, that you publish original material 3 times a week in order to be considered for membership. I’m sorry you weren’t able to open the link. It works when I click on it, so I’m not sure what to change. It was a list of blogpost links from about 15 beauty bloggers including me from the group. I have gotten quite a few more visits on the blogpost that I submitted so the Weekly Roundup of blogposts is one of the benefits for me.

  2. Maybe only members can open that link?
    It looks like a good and useful group, but posting 3 times a week? I can’t afford that. They could, however, add some rules about good quality posts, or page rank requirements. Well, I can post 5 times a week, but not sure if it will be of high quality or not!
    Good to know that you get visits from there 🙂
    Dima Al Mahsiri recently posted…Easy Skin Care Regimen for Dry skinMy Profile

    1. Allison says:

      That’s the requirements for all the “closed” groups, unfortunately. It is a bit of a chore, and with your children, I think you would find it to be too much. They have so many members, however, that I doubt it will change. 🙁 I’ll let you know if I learn anything interesting!

  3. Thanks!
    Yes, with four children at home, it is a bit difficult 🙁
    By the way, I have joined Sverve recently, it is a bit like Bellashoot, a website for female bloggers, you can share your posts there, follow other bloggers and apply for campaigns, too 🙂
    Dima Al Mahsiri recently posted…Easy Skin Care Regimen for Dry skinMy Profile

    1. Allison says:

      Thanks, Dima, for letting me know about Sverve. I wasn’t aware of it. I have found that Bellashoot does help bring readers to my blog, so I will definitely check out this new one!

  4. You are welcome!
    Dima Al Mahsiri recently posted…Easy Skin Care Regimen for Dry skinMy Profile

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