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Weekly Roundups

Waterfront Festival and Beauty Blog Coalition Weekly Roundup 21 August 2016

Happy weekend! We’ve been having the most gorgeous summer weather (although we’re in a drought). Yesterday morning, I went to the Waterfront Festival in Gloucester MA to do my annual bath and body shopping at Nature Island Botanicals booth and to visit with Daphne, the owner and maker of natural/organic soaps, lotions, cleansers, scrubs, and facial skincare products.

schooner Ardell, Gloucester MA @redAllison

I’ve been buying her handmade products for at least 12 years, maybe longer. I can’t live without her heavenly scented, incredibly hydrating Caribbean Escape Coconut Body Butter (I love the citrus version too). I’ll write about my haul soon, but check out the posts I’ve done for my holiday haul and from the summer before. Nature Island Botanicals is sold on etsy.

Then it was back to the beach. Our beach club had its annual dinner and bonfire on the beach on Saturday night. It was a beautiful night outdoors under the stars.

What did you do this weekend?

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Here are this past week’s posts from Beauty Blog Coalition. If you missed my post on Friday about my 5 faves from Too Faced, the link is below.

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  1. Laura says:

    What a lovely weekend you are having Allison. The rain finally stopped here but I have not done anything this summer to speak of. My body fights me at every turn. lol
    P.S. I would love to see your N.I.B haul. 😉

    1. I’m so sorry, Laura, that you continue to have such difficult health issues. It’s absolutely not fair! I’m glad the rain has stopped so if you have to take it easy at home, at least it’s a sunny day through the window or in the backyard.

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