Weekly Roundups

Beauty Blog Coalition Weekly Roundup 28 April 2014

Hey gals,

Hope you’re enjoying the weekend! It’s sunny, warmish day here in New England or at least in my part of MA. Now, that the weather is better, I know people aren’t staying in and reading blogs as much, but in case you have a chance to catch up on your phone or tablet while you’re on the go, here’s some beauty blog reading from the Beauty Blog Coalition.

Beauty Blog Coalition

My post is in the middle of the pack. It announces my new Giveaway in conjunction with NeoCell, a company who makes supplements. We’re giving away collagen and hyaluronic acid supplements. I’ve seen a big change in my knees – the joints feel so much better just in time for outdoor jogging season. And my skin, especially on my face, seems better hydrated and a little more lifted. So check it out and enter our giveaway!

Have a great rest of the weekend! Enjoy

xo Allison


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