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Weekly Roundups

Beauty Blog Coalition Weekly Roundup Countdown 20 December 2014

Hanukah started a few days ago, and last night was the fourth night.


Instead of the mock turtleneck in black cherry that I got for Jeff from LL Bean for last night’s gift, I discovered a hideous dayglo orange fleece pullover in the bag. And when I called to have them to ask them to send out the correct gift, they told me they are SOLD OUT! Not happy. So now I have to come up with something else  👿

How ’bout you? How’s your shopping going? Need a few last minute holiday gift ideas? Check out the posts below! From the affordable (mine toward the bottom) to the sublime (Lola’s toward the top) and everything in between, Beauty Blog Coalition has ideas for you.  And there are other great ideas to help you create your holiday looks. Happy reading!

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  1. I hate it when orders go awry! That’s terrible about your gift, and then to be sold out on top of that….argh. I can feel your frustration! They’d better have a nice way of making that up to you.
    May the rest of your holidays be less annoying! <3

    1. Thanks so much, Rach! I hope that UPS finally showed up on Saturday to pick it up for return. I don’t know if LL Bean is doing anything for me to be honest. I hope I get my money back!

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