Weekly Roundups

Beauty Blogazons Weekly Roundup 21 June 2014

It’s the first day of summer. Can you believe it? We skipped right over spring here, and now it’s summer already. The beach club in Gloucester had its opening cocktail party last night, and there was the biggest crowd in attendance that I ever remember. Everybody was ready for beach season…finally.

Now that it’s summer, do you find yourself doing more blog reading on your phone or tablet, or do you just cut down on blog reading? Just curious. Well, if you do have a little time to catch up with what went on this week with the Beauty Blogazons, here’s the roundup. Never Say Die Beauty’s post is about my $5 find at Michael’s Craft Store, an artist’s paint brush drying rack that I’ve repurposed to dry my makeup brushes. Check it out! And just a reminder that the Cosmedica Skincare Vitamin C Serum Giveaway ends on Monday night, June 23, 11:59 EDT, if you haven’t entered yet.

Enjoy the longest day of the year, and have fun this the weekend! Hope the weather is as beautiful where you are as it is here.

The Beauty Blogazons Weekly Roundup

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  1. Looks like I missed a lot of things, better start reading!
    Kiss & Make-up recently posted…Beauty tips | Using coconut oil as a waterproof make-up removerMy Profile

    1. :D, you’re too funny!

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