Weekly Roundups

Beauty Blogazons Weekly Roundup June 7 2014

Hi there,

Hope it’s a gorgeous Saturday wherever you are! Today is a 10, here in Massachusetts.

Here is this week’s installment of the Beauty Blogazons weekly roundup of beauty blogposts. Too nice to stay in to read on your desktop? Read ’em on your phone or tablet instead!

The rabbits have been eating everything in my garden. In fact, they completely stripped my  kale plants that came back from last summer. They’re finicky though: they don’t like Russian kale (the flat variety) so that left that one. Turns out, I am too. I don’t like Russian kale nearly as much of the curly variety. So Jeff has offered to build me a fence around the garden. He built a gorgeous fence around his, but with mine, it will have to be a frame that will sit on top of the ground. My house and yard are built on ledge. Without blasting, you can’t go down more than a few inches, not enough to put the posts in the ground. Hope this is going to work out!  Are you gardening? If so, what do you do to keep the critters out?

The Beauty Blogazons Weekly Roundup

In case you missed it during the week, Never Say Die Beauty’s link is to my review and pix of two shades of Bare Minerals Marvelous Moxie Lipstick, a better-for-you lipsticks in lots of shades. Check it out in the middle of the pack below.

Have a great weekend! NSDB’s new giveaway goes live on Monday. So come back and enter!

xo Allison

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