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Weekly Roundups

Beauty News from the Beauty Spotlight Team 2 April 2016

Happy Weekend! It’s going to be more yard work for me today if the weather cooperates. Moss has taken over the lawn, and it’s gotta come out so I can try to reseed grass. The trees have really grown in the 15 years I’ve lived in my no longer brand new house, and I’ve gone from being in full sun to now full shade. Boo! It’s gonna be a lot of work. If anyone has any tips, I’m all ears!

But I’ll take a little time out to read this week’s posts from Beauty Spotlight Team. Hope you will too!

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The warm weather is the perfect time to switch out your foundation for a lighter weight variation, and Lola’s Secret Beauty Blog thinks that LORAC Sheer POREfection Foundation offers perfect buildable coverage, a gorgeous natural finish and an affordable price.

Phyrra shares the best of Kat Von D Beauty with her hits and misses video! See where to start with the brand.

It’s anniversary time for Beauty Info Zone and to celebrate we have giveaways galore with more to come. It’s always fun to win so check them all out.

Pammy Blogs Beauty has jumped on the facial oil bandwagon! Find out how she likes NUDE Skincare’s ProGenius Omega Treament Oil.

Christa from Perilously Pale is all about that glow! Check out her review of the new Urban Decay Summer 2016 Collection and why it’s got this pale girl looking sun kissed and fabulous.

For Blushing Noir picking a Spring beauty favorite is no easy task…. but the Tarte Tartelette in Bloom Palette makes it a lot easier!

Justina’s Gems shares her latest favorite low maintenance hair products from the new Matrix line.

Allison from Never Say Die Beauty found the perfect golden peach cream blush for Spring that’s one of 5 gorgeous shades in the Youngblood Luminous Crème Blush collection. Check out her pix and swatches.

Prime Beauty shares some hits and misses of the StriVectin Max Volume Haircare line. Aren’t you curious to know which are the winners?

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  1. Laura says:

    Hi Allison! I hear ya on the tree front. Because of all the shade and roots from our trees then on top of that add an abundance of rain Brian and I look like mud and moss farmers. 😉 We currently have another good crop this year. lol I have no tips. I finally surrendered and gave all my cute outdoor planters and gardening tools away this year. Instead I have wind chimes and sun catchers hanging in the trees. I recently got rid of a pair of shoes and thought about throwing them up in a tree too. ha ha

    1. How clever, Laura! Are your trees throughout your yard or on the edge? I love wind chimes. I’ve got 2 on my deck. The tree limbs are too high up for me to reach! My backyard is a decent size but it borders on the woods/conservation land so I’ve got tall oaks, growing beech trees, and hemlocks with a few white pines casting a shadow on the yard. I’ve given up on my vegetable garden, but the perennial border that’s against my house still gets enough sun for me to grow perennials. But the grass looks so awful. I hate that bright yellow green moss! At least I’m in better shape than you guys since I don’t have mud. My yard is really wet (we’ve been having some rain but not as much as you) and it’s going to snow on Monday! ick I am going to try again with planting grass but I’ll wait till it warms up next week. I was hoping that Jeff would be able to help me rake up the moss today, but it’s raining! Boo. We’re going to the movies later instead.

      1. Laura says:

        I made the mistake 16 years ago of planting trees all around the house for shade. I never thought about how eventually we would be under a canopy of tree limbs. Although from the street it looks nice. I do not know which is worse the moss/mud in the Spring or the dust bowl in the Summer. I miss my flowers and pretty yard. I will say in the hottest part of the summer the temperature in our house is many degrees cooler with those trees. The A/C does not run as much.
        We did not get any rain today but we are getting wind gusts up to 50+ miles per hour. We may lose a few trees if this keeps up. 🙂 I dont even care if they land on the house as long as Brian and I are not on the way. I want to move anyway. ha ha Hope you and Jeff had a good day together. Brian and I have been watching The Andy Griffith Show on Netflix. Oh wow! the snow just started here. It looks like a blizzard with this wind.

        1. So we’ve both been in our houses about the same length of time. For me, it’ll be 15 years in June. And like you I planted some trees on my property too, but I planted 3 Bradford pears in the front but closer to the sidewalk and a red maple and an ash on the other side of my driveway. You were smart to think about cooling the house down with trees, but the flip side is, well, shade! I’m going to have to move some of my hybrid day lilies because they’re not getting enough sun to bloom, and I’ll replace them with hostas. One of my girlfriends has a gigantic hosta garden, so I’ll ask her for some of her cast-offs. I hope you were able to batten down the hatches and that your house didn’t sustain any damage from the winds! I hear we’ll be getting your weather tomorrow. The weather man is saying rain, snow, thunderstorms, and gale force winds, and on Monday, 1-3″ of snow. I’m hoping they’re wrong. Love Andy Griffith! Such a sweet show. We went to see Eye In The Sky, and it was excellent.

  2. thanks for the roundup of these lovelies!! lots of fun reviews and things to check out. i can’t wait. hope your monday is wonderfil. recently posted…Best Drugstore Primers to Hide PoresMy Profile

    1. It’s snowing here on Monday, so it’s a strange start to the second week in April! Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting!

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